Chapter 10

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I actually can't remember the last time he told me he loved me or I said it for that matter.

I hadn't even realised it has been so long until I heard the words tumble from his perfect lips and realise that they almost sounded foreign. How did we get to this point in such a short period of time?

I need to stick with these changes.

I can't lose him.

I walk into the busy restaurant by myself, relieved that no photographers are out the front yet but know that the moment Harry enters word will spread like wildfire. Fans will ask for photos or tweet about his whereabouts and bam! paparazzi and a group of people will no doubt be waiting as we leave.

I feel his fingertips brush the small of my back, a subtle indication that he is behind me and we are greeted by an overly enthusiastic waitress who is professional but clearly stoked that Harry is in the restaurant.

We are guided to a semi private, courtyard that is enclosed and heated, thank god, where our group awaits and I've almost forgotten about my change in appearance before I hear the obnoxious voice of Xander.

"Holy fuck, hang on a second Kolivia Kardashian is here everyone!" he announces as he stands from his chair and holds me at an embarrassing arms length to check me out.

"Jesus woman, are you on the prowl from a new husband or something? Looking good, blondie!" he screams far too loudly and I cover my red face with one hand.

"Hope not," Harry jokes from beside me but I can hear an edge to his voice and Xander drops his hands off me to hug his best mate while the rest of the group stand to greet us.

Bec is squinting at me suspiciously and I shake my head at her as if to say, 'I know I look like a fucking idiot in this dress in February you don't need to remind me.' She raises her hands silently in surrender as I hug Will and Nathan hello.

"Harry, this is Mel," Frankie says proudly as she stands next to the reason we are all meeting today.

Mel is stunning, not that I expected anything less from Frankie's new girlfriend who she already told us was a model. She has sparkling chocolate eyes and a glowing dark skin that makes her warm smile pop. Her hair is long, her black tight ringlets are voluminous like a halo and I have a sneaking suspicion that I have seen her modelling in an ad for underwear or something before.

I know Frankie hasn't introduced me so that Harry and I can decide how we want to identified. Like all things in Harry's life, he has always kept anything personal incredibly close to him, and that includes any information that is divulged to new members of the group.

Since I first met them all I realised this is a request his friends take incredibly seriously, no photos of him on social media, no snap chats, no information to strangers or the press.

Nathan was treated exactly the same way until we could see how happy Bec was, if she trusted him, then so did we. We don't want to ever make things hard on our friends but for our own sanity we need to be discreet.

"Hey, I'm Harry," he says extending out his hand to hook it around my waist, "this is my wife, Olivia."

We discussed a couple of days ago that anyone special enough to Frankie to meet all of us is special enough to us and putting up walls up initially may only hinder us getting to know her better.

"Hey Mel, so nice to finally meet you!" I say and wrap my arms around the women who is looking a little weirdly at Harry.

"Thank you, you too. Harry... Styles...hey, um Frankie didn't mention that bit," she says nervously and Frankie and I exchange a look.

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