Chapter 35

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It's 4am when I tiptoe into the lounge to find Harry and a bizarre amount of people in our house.

Moments earlier, I had sleepily trudged my way to the bathroom to wash off the stupid amount of make up I had fallen asleep in and attempted to clean myself up when I heard Harry's voice carry down the hallway.

"Um, hi, what's going on?" I announce softly into the room of people and feel my face heat up as all eyes snap up to see me standing in my pyjamas.  Thank fuck I had pulled some on.

Tonight, at the gallery was equally devastating as it was terrifying but is it really necessary for everyone to be here discussing it at four in the morning?

My eyes catch Tyler's weary ones before Harry jumps up from the couch and rushes towards me. What is Tyler doing here?

"What's going on, Harry?" I question with a hiss as he guides me backward into the kitchen for a little privacy.

He runs a hand through his dirty hair, an indication he has done it far too many times tonight and his rings have been discarded, the little inked band the only one that remains.

"Honey," he croaks apprehensively.

I take an involuntary step backwards.  He never calls me 'honey,' the word seemingly reserved for when Bec is trying to mother me or break some sort of information that she knows is going to affect me more than I can probably deal with.

My brows pull together and I watch as the guilt and dread crawl across his features like a storm cloud and he licks his lips to continue as my heart rate picks up in anticipation.

I glance back at the team of people and realise they are all huddled around laptops, all working hurriedly on something as their faces show the level of panic and stress they are under.

"Tell me, Harry," I try the tactic he constantly uses on me and he takes in a deep breath that shakes past his cracked lips.

"Tonight," he starts, his hands scrub his face in frustration, "I don't fucking know how it happened, Liv, I lost my phone somehow, or it was taken, but I don't have it. I just- I should have had it in my fucking hand!" He whispers an angry curse at himself and I am genuinely confused.

I allow him to step towards me and notice his bottom lip quivering and to be completely honest, I have no idea why this is such big deal. Maybe he is stressed from the awful day we have had, diverting real problems we have into this insignificant one?

I shake my head a little before rubbing my eyes sleepily as his hands run up and down my arms with the comfort I don't need.

"I don't understand." I say cautiously, "Harry, just buy a new one? You've broken like a hundred since I met you, a couple of times you threw them into a wall yourself!"

He bites down on his bottom lip and his eyes avert from mine as if I'm making this all so much more difficult.

"They weren't in the hands of someone else then, Liv," he says simply, worry blanketing his face and I finally start to understand his fear that I cannot help but think, is a little irrational.

"Babe, you're worrying for nothing." I smile trying to reassure him.

"You think someone might hack into it? Take your stuff? Isn't it all on iCloud? Just back it up on a hard drive and delete it, Harry? They won't be able to get anything if there's nothing on it," I try and tell him calmly but I'm getting a little irritated with the dramatics over a phone and a hypothetical scenario.

I've had one of the worst days and I just want to go back to sleep, preferably with my husband.

He rubs his tired eyes with his finger and thumb, squeezing the bridge of his nose as he sighs.

"We have done that, but I don't know if it's all too late. We aren't sure if it went missing going into or coming out of the gallery. They could have had it for hours. Liv, I'm so sorry."

The tears welling in his eyes are visible and my impatience dissolves as I look at the distress on his beautiful face.

"My love," I whisper, my palms stroking up and down his chest and I can feel how fast his heart is thumping. I need to ease his mind as best I can even if I think this is all a little unnecessary.

"Harry, do what you need to do tonight, but I'm sure you are just being overprotective.  It will all be completely fine. You are only thinking of the worst case scenario here."

His hands cover mine and stop my attempt to comfort him. I swallow roughly when his defeated green eyes bore into mine and crack open my soul.

"Baby," he whispers almost inaudibly and his tone sends a shiver up my spine. "I'm so sorry."


mmm, what do we think is going to happen and how are they going to deal with it?

Love Ruby

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