Chapter 18

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"All right, so...what do 18 month old, little girls like?"  I question, my hand in Harry's as our fingers intertwine and hang lazily between us.

We both take a deep breath and sigh in unison as we look around the overwhelming array of pink and blue boxes, nauseatingly colourful plastic and wood everywhere, numbers and the alphabet plastered on everything, ridiculous amounts of oversized building blocks and dolls and soft toys next to another endless selection of clothes and shoes and costumes.

Tyler organised a kids store in the city to open an hour early for us to shop in private if we agreed to spend a certain amount of money and they happily agreed.

"I have no fucking idea," Harry exhales a laugh before pulling me eagerly into the toy extravaganza.

We are heading to Xander and Will's tomorrow to meet their newest family member and we are both really excited about it. It has been a couple of days since I stopped ovulating and this month was one of the first in so long that we actually had sex because we wanted to rather than out of obligation.

"What the fuck?" Harry exclaims as he holds up a doll that seemingly actually poops in a fake potty.

"Ok, NOT that!" I grab his arm playfully and pull in into the next aisle that is full of miniature trucks and plastic power tool sets.

His arms wrap around my waist from behind me and he holds my hands in his as we shuffle probably unnecessarily slowly through the aisles.

His chin is resting on my shoulder as he uses both our hands to point at things and make stupid remarks that make me laugh like "who would buy that for their children?" or "imagine how annoying that noise would be all day."

"Were you a doll playing little girl or a climbing trees little girl?" Harry asks vaguely as we walk down an aisle stocked with Barbies.

"Um, neither really, I was never a tomboy but not a super girly girl either, I do remember playing tea parties with Bec a lot."

"Mmm, you woulda been cute as fuck," he mumbles into my neck and I laugh at his vulgar language to describe a child.

As strange as it sounds, it is really nice to go shopping with Harry, just browsing the aisles and feeling normal for a minute. No crowds, no fans, no pictures, no security risk.

There is so much relief in not having to watch our every move in public. I don't have to stay a certain amount of space away from him so our photos aren't taken together, he doesn't have to watch what he says or calls me. We can touch and play and have fun together without someone online calling me a bitch or a slut or a gold digger.

I knew this was part of the sacrifice I made in order to be with him. We had open and honest conversations about it before we got together so knew it was going to be like this, but I never expected to miss doing normal things in a relationship.

I was prepared for the abuse but I guess I took for granted the simple things like just strolling down the street hand in hand or going grocery shopping or seeing a movie.

My thoughts are broken as I watch my husband and shake my head at his antics. Harry is like a kid in...well... a toy store, running from shelf to shelf, pressing buttons that light up and giving voices to every toy that we pass with a face.

He's prancing around and wiggling to the cheesy music playing in the store, skipping from section to section and just being adorably silly.

He looks so damn cute with his beanie on his head and I smile to myself as I remember him pulling one over my ears this morning too, telling me I'm lucky I didn't get sick the other day in that dress and from now on I have to rug up.

"Oh look babe! We should get you one of these!" He exclaims, running to a mini kitchen with a little stove and saucepans, pretend groceries and cooking utensils.

"Gotta start somewhere, Toots!" He grins holding up a kid's sized chefs hat.

I gasp with mock offence and grab the white material from his grasp, swatting his behind with it. He cackles loudly at his own joke and pulls me into him with ease.

"It's kinda weird being able to kiss you in public," I mumble into the small space between us as he walks backwards. My fingers tug on the sides of his beanie and he pecks my lips the same way he has done every few steps, clearly revelling in the novelty as well.

He sucks a playful kiss to my neck, "Mmm, I know, feel like we're getting away with murder here."

He licks his pink lips and his green eyes are sparkling as a mischievous smile takes over his face  causing me chuckle at his cuteness.

"Oh god, what are you up to?" I ask suspiciously.

"Let's make a baby now," he whispers too loudly and pushes my back gently against a wall of teddy bears.

I squeal into the back of my throat and my hands fly up and cover his mouth.  I can feel him laugh against my fingers before he takes them in his and I can't help but giggle at the cheeky grin on his beautiful face and that dimple that makes me weak at the knees.

"I'm not ovulating any more," I tease as he smiles into the crevice of my neck and sponges kisses up to my jaw.

"Let's just practice then!" His finger tips sneak past my coat and up my sweatshirt.

"Harry!" I gasp, laughing with him as I pushing his wandering hands away, "Isn't it a little creepy you want to have sex in a kid's store." I lower my voice and look from side to side only to find the area completely empty.

"Mmm, I'll let you call me daddy?" he jokes and I smack his shoulder in jest before he cackles into the air again and pulls me into another aisle, knowing there is no real intent to his threat. 

He can hardly contain his excitement as he skips and dances past each section,  grabbing things off shelves to look at or play with.

After a while we stand in an area with cubby houses and princess castles. I wanted to get her the cutest clothing with adorable pink woollen tights but Harry had grander plans.

He points out or recites a dozen or so things to a sales assistant who hurriedly scribbles down the extravagant order and we decide to take one more lap around the store before we have to leave, to be honest, just not wanting the bizarre excitement of 'normal' to end yet.

"Oh my god, Harry, what about this!" I squeal, as I drop his hand and take a seat at a tiny fake drum kit, part of a whole mini rock band set, complete with little guitars and microphone stands.

My grin fades as soon as I look up and see pain cross Harry's sweet face. Longing and sorrow filling his eyes as he looks at the little set like he can see our unfulfilled future memories for the first time in high definition.

My heart bleeds as I immediately walk over and wrap my arms around his neck. My kiss to his lips seems to break his focus as he looks back at me with a sad smile.

"Save this one for ours instead?" I question quietly and he sucks his bottom lip into his mouth in reflection and nods softly.

"I have a good feeling about this month," I tell him truthfully and watch the hope transform his sullen features.

"Me too, darling."

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