Chapter 26

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Harry is laying in a pile of our white sheets in nothing but a pair boxer briefs as I stroll out of the bathroom after drying my hair off a little. He's relaxed and comfortable but his face seems to light up when he sees me, despite the fact we just showered together less than five minutes ago.

I pull an oversized white t-shirt over my naked body and take a running jump before I fling myself onto the mattress and causing a little yelp to burst through Harry's lips.

We both laugh as he rolls on top of me and kisses me with dramatic suction noises down my neck, pulling my shirt up and pressing his lips into my stomach.

His hands wander over my skin in comfort and I can't help twirling my fingers into his damp curls and pulling him in for a warm cuddle.

His skin smells so clean and sexy and I wonder for a moment if I smell the same to him, given we now use almost all the same bathroom products.

The doorbell sounds and his eyes widen comically to make me giggle.

"Pizza. Don't move," he commands, pushing a quick kiss to my lips and jumping off the bed.

"Want me to get it?" I question, pressing myself up onto my elbows, knowing how much longer it can take if the delivery person recognises Harry.

"Nope. It'll be fine," he says pulling on a pair of skinny jeans, "don't want you putting on any underwear for the rest of the night!" he points a finger at me in warning as he backs out of the room with his dimple popping in his cheek and I flop back onto the bed.

My hands instinctively rub across my stomach, I haven't been able to get the thoughts of possibly being pregnant out of my mind all day after seeing Harry with Milly and I just wish there was a way to tell if I was any sooner.

I glance over to the pile of books on my bedside table and on the floor and wonder if I maybe missed something in there that would tell me if there were any signs or symptoms I should be having this early on.

As if right on cue my tummy grumbles and I can't help smile at the timing as Harry bursts through the door and the smell of pizza fills the air.

He places the box down and rips his jeans off before he clambers back onto the bed, crossing his legs as he sits beside me and I follow suit, pulling the hem of my shirt down over my lap a little for a false sense of modesty.

Harry notices and grins cheekily as he opens the box and tears away a slice.

"Would you rather be allergic to pizza or wine?" He asks with his mouth full.

"Oh god, that's harder than the oral sex one," I joke and it causes him to throw his head back in a boyish cackle.

"Wine," we say in unison with our mouths full.

This is how I wish we could be forever, our own bubble of happiness and in the comfort of our own spaces. No photographers, no women trying to tear my husbands clothes off, no pressure.

Harry's hair is a tangled mess as it dries naturally around this cheeks, his clothing and rings discarded, the ink on his skin in full view. His guard is completely down as he licks a streak of tomato sauce from the side of his hand and I appreciate for a moment that I am the only one who gets to see him like this. As if it's our own little secret from the world.

I inhale a cleansing breath as I think about what just happened in our bathroom. The sex we just had, was some of the best we have had in a long time but, if I'm being honest, although amazing, it left me craving more of him.

I hated watching myself in the mirror and I really think I would have been too distracted to actually come but he saw that, he noticed it so quickly, without me saying it and without making a big deal of it. He knows me better than I know myself sometimes and I trust his judgement.

Maybe I should try... no I couldn't.

I have to admit, that when he ran himself up to push against my tightest hole there was a moment when I wanted it. The pressure made my eyes roll back in my head and my heart race.

I had always thought of anal sex as something dirty, slutty or really vulgar. An act reserved for strippers or groupies, women in porn or those trying to please men with no respect for themselves.

I never thought of it as something I would do in a million years let alone with my husband, but Harry has opened my eyes to so many things, I trust him and I love him so why wouldn't I at least give it a shot?

He has made it blindingly obvious that if I don't like something we can stop, he did merely half an hour ago, he can tell perhaps before I can, if it's not right for me.

"Tell me?" I hear and the voice cuts though my thoughts immediately, Harry's eyes looking inquisitively at me like he has been trying to work out what has been running though my mind for several minutes.

I shake my head a little to clear the fog and he squeezes my knee in encouragement.

"Just thinking about before," I smile and he flashes an award winning grin at me.


Edited: some people couldn't see ch.27 even when following me so I've taken off private.

WARNING for next chapter.

I would like to make it clear that the next chapter is NOT important or vital to the storyline so if where this is headed is NOT FOR YOU then you can skip straight to chapter 28.

I have tried my best to make it tasteful and realistic but I understand it's not for everyone please do not write nasty comments!

If it is.. then..HAIII!

Love Ruby

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