Chapter 39

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We have been standing like this for what feels like hours, his hand smoothing the hair on the back of my head, as my arms wrap around his waist.

Our breathing is slow and calming and he pushes soft kisses into my hairline every now and then and I do the same into his collar bone and above his heart.

Harry's back is still leaning up against the fridge, my nose buried into the crevice of his neck, our eyes locking occasionally, silently checking to make sure the other is alright.

Frankie has been calling our phones nonstop for the past half hour, attempting to stop Harry from making the mistake I stubbornly, but successfully, steered him away from.

I don't think we could ever fully appreciate how incredible the group of friends around us are.

Encouraging, discreet and trustworthy. I have full faith that they will always be here for us, always so tolerant of the crazy life and dramas we have. They are easily our biggest advocates and our strongest support network.

Neither of us move when the phone vibrates on the kitchen counter again, too scared to emerge from our bubble of solace that we so desperately need, even for a few moments, to be together with no one else around, alone, quiet.

Our tears subsided a while ago and now we stand, just... being.

Harry pulls back a fraction, his fingers combing into the hair by my ears as his large hands cup my jaw so that his green eyes can scan my face for sadness while mine search for hesitation.

"Would be lost without you," he whispers and my heart swells, "or maybe I'm too lost in you."

I roll my eyes a little with a grin at his cheesy-ness and am granted a soft chuckle and a glimpse of his heart stopping dimple before he puckers his lips around mine.

"Certainly not inflating my ego are you, baby?"

"Someone's gotta keep your feet on the ground, darling." I retort and his smirk makes my pulse race.

He swipes the tips of our noses together, his lips brushing along mine as he speaks lowly, "and my job is to sweep you off yours."

He attempts to kiss me but I am laughing into the air at his deliberate rom-com worthy statement and he's smiling so much he's struggling to bring his lips together.

I love this, I love when we are like this, lighthearted and silly. It feels like it happens so rarely these days.

I squeal as his hands find the back of my thighs and he unexpectedly hoists me up, my legs wrapping naturally around his waist and he speaks into the delicate skin on my neck as he kisses a trail to my ear.

"Literally off your feet," he jokes before adding seriously, "Gonna try harder, regardless of whether you think I'm corny or not."

With his hands firmly gripping my arse he spins us round and my back hits the fridge with a thud, our lips connecting immediately in short, urgent kisses cementing our passion and the fact that whatever happens we need each other in so many unspoken ways.

My hands are in his hair, tugging him closer to me as his tongue slips into my mouth and he deepens the kiss. Never close enough.

The taste of his tongue makes me dizzy, my core clenching and a muffled moan escapes my lips as he rolls his hips seductively into me.

My head rolls back to rest on the hard surface behind me as his mouth wanders, his hot breath fanning across my skin as his fingers tips grip into my skin.

"I love you," he pants as he sucks on a spot on my neck he knows drives me crazy and my grasp on his curls tightens, "so fucking much and sometimes it makes me do the stupidest shit," he continues as he moves down my body.

"I don't know how to deal with all of this. I just love you so much." He rambles in a part sob, his face pained as he looks back at me and quickly presses his lips to mine again.

"Show me," I whisper.

Hey guys!

A quick one today as I'm currently on holiday for a couple of weeks!

I'm sorry for the lack of updates. Trying to find time but it's a little difficult!

Thanks for waiting
Love Ruby

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