Chapter 34

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I feel giddy from too much champagne and a crazy night celebrating the end of the European leg of Harry's tour.

Music and jovial voices fill our hotel room as the party kicks on with a few stragglers from the band as well as one of Harry's close friends who he rarely sees, as he tours himself, and a tour photographer who, although she has been paid to document the journey, has ended up being a great friend and confidante on the road.

"Go on! Do it!" One of the guys yells and Harry is ripping off his t-shirt before the friendly cheers have to encourage him any further.

"Harry!" I yell as seriously as I can but we are both finding it all way too hilarious for him to take any notice.

"It's bad luck!" I exclaim through a grin as he starts to pull out a chair to sit but crashes his half naked body into mine instead, a little drunk and stumbling forward with his adorable dimple popping in his cheek and his eyes light with humour and good spirit.

"Want everyone to see my heart belongs to you," he boasts loud enough for everyone to hear and there's a collective rumble of cheers and awww's from our little group as he pushes his lips hard into mine.

His boyish giggle vibrates against my skin as he kisses my neck quickly and engulfs me in a hug.

"You're up next, baby," he reminds me with a wink before turning to the table next to us and picking up two of the shot glasses filled with what we were told was the regions liquor of choice.

"No, Harry, you shouldn't drink alcohol, it thins the blood and it'll make it bleed more," I blurt out nervously before he can bring the glass to his lips and his cheeky smile lights up his entire face.

He laughs and rolls his eyes dramatically at the ridiculous statement considering we are already drunk and we both know I'm just trying to procrastinate.

"My little guardian angel," he hums as he connects our lips a little softer this time, his blinking already heavy from the nights festivities.

"We'll be fine," he whispers sincerely before announcing "Drink up, Toots!" and taking the shot and a seat in front of his friend who he promises is also a talented tattoo artist.

We all watch as Harry has a thin line, broken up with a little letter O, inked into his ring finger where his wedding band sits before laying down on the couch to have my name etched into his chest in delicate cursive.

I hover over his lying figure, kissing his lips and watching as my name is permanently marked on to his body.

"Do you have to look so smug?" I joke as I see the single raised eyebrow and crooked smile gracing his gorgeous features and everyone laughs as he lifts an arm in a contradictorily cute shrug.

Always the bloody performer.

The artist cleans the new wound and dresses it before turning to me and I decide at that moment I need to use the toilet.

"Oh nuh-uh! Don't even THINK you can get out of this now!" Harry yells through his amusement as he takes three long strides after me and catches me in my attempt to flee, spinning me around as I squeal and we are both laughing so hard I can barely breathe.

He comically holds my left hand out in jest towards his friend and shouts "go on, I'll hold her down!" as the rooms erupts in combined laughter.

My head is thrown back onto his shoulder as I giggle into the air and he is kissing my  extended neck as best he can through his chuckles as he nudges me forward to have my eternal promise to him inked into my finger.

I swear the look on his face is more delighted and joyful than on our actual wedding day as he watches me nervously experience the feeling of a tattoo gun for the first time.

His lips and hands are all over me the second it's done and I have to admit the adrenaline of the moment has me returning his gestures regardless of who is in the room.

"You better send me these fucking photos tonight!" he laughs and points to the photographer who has captured the entire evening as I wrap my arms around his neck and he beams one of his heart stopping smiles at her before turning his attention back to me.

"Alright, now all of you fuck off so I can make love to my wi-" I squeal and cover his mouth before he can finish the sentence and he laughs into my fingers before capturing them with his hand and pushes a noisy kiss into the tips.

He bends his knees and picks me up as we hear the door slam shut, one of the guys yelling at us to 'have fun, kids' before there is sweet silence and he's throwing me onto the bed.

He's kicking his jeans off with a smile plastered onto his face and scrambling onto the bed after me as quickly as he can, grabbing my ankles and making me shriek as he pulls me back down the bed towards him.

He hovers over me, our teeth clashing together as we try to contain our happiness long enough to pucker our lips into short, hard kisses.

"Wish we could live forever so I could marry you a million times over," he says with his forehead pressed into mine. "Fuck, I love you."

"I love you too, would do anything for you." I tell him back and he cheekily raises his eyebrows and hold my left hand, with the little bandage on it, up in front of our faces before teasing me with an, "I've noticed," and causing us both to laugh all over again.

He presses my hand into the mattress above our heads as his fingers wander under my tshirt before he pulls the material up to expose the soft skin on my stomach.

"Let's stay like this forever," he whispers as he presses kisses above my belly button.

"Fine by me," I smile as he looks at me through his lashes. "But I was thinking, maybe.. I could stop taking my birth control." I stutter nervously, not sure how he is going to react but the way his whole face lights up tells me the idea is as perfect to him as it is to me.


Wishing everyone a happy weekend with a happy H & O memory!

I know part 3 has been a little down but please stick with it!

I hope you are loving it anyway and please remember to vote and share your thoughts it means so much to me.

Love you guys!

Love Ruby

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