Chapter 22

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My heart is pounding in my chest as I take the stairs two at a time, walking past the bedroom on the left that I once walked into by accident and saw Harry and whatever-that-girls-name-was. I shudder a little at the memory and choose the correct door this time to the bathroom.

I look at my reflection in the mirror for a moment, my light hair still catching me off guard and I run my fingers through the long tresses to tame it a little.

The door flying open startles me and I jump a little at the intrusion only to see Harry's face alight with humour at my state as he locks the door behind him.

"Checking yourself out, babe?" He jokes and I cross my arms and roll my eyes at his smugness before he throws in a soft, gravely, "Don't blame you."

His hips push into my butt as he pins me to the counter top, my hands reactively gripping into the edge either side of me and I watch as he shrugs his coat off, letting it hit the floor with gentle thud.

His curls tickle my cheek when he places two drawn out kisses down my neck.

My head rolls back at the feeling and my core clenches when his arms wrap around my waist and his eyes meet mine in the mirror.

"What was that out there, my darling?" He questions, referring to my secret arousal that he seemed to catch somehow.

"Don't know what you're talking about," I decide to play coy and he tsk's in disapproval.

"You know your body's gonna prove you're lying, Liv." He smirks before he pushes his hips forward, holding me a little tighter to the hard stone top and snakes his hand up the hem of my chunky white sweater.

His hand splays across my stomach as I inhale a sharp breath and he arrogantly pops the button of my jeans open with a raised eyebrow.

My eyes are transfixed on his lips as he licks them into his mouth. He brushes my hair over one shoulder with his free hand before running a finger from the top of my neck to the base, goosebumps erupting down my arms and all of a sudden he's pulling my coat off to join his at our feet.

His palms regain their position against my belly swiftly and his breath is hot against the shell of my ear.

"You're a good girl for wearing warm clothes this time," he only half teases.

"Is that what turns you on these days? Thick layers? Not little tight dresses?" I counter in the same tone back and almost wanting to shove my coat back on and go back down stairs.

His eyes flicker a little as they regard mine in the mirror, his gaze threatening and intense.

"You are what turns me on, Olivia. And I don't want to hear another whisper of this bullshit again." He growls before continuing, "Are you any less turned on when I wear a coat and sweatshirt? Hmm? No more lying now sweetheart 'cause I can tell it's not the case."

One of his hands slips into the tight space between my underwear and skin, cupping my heat before running his middle finger through my folds that are already slick for him.

"Didn't think so, darling," his lips turn up in one corner as he sucks a soft spot into my neck while his finger pushes slowly into me.

"Shit," I breath out and watch his eyes sparkle when they find mine again.

His finger draws out slowly as he replaces it with two causing me to gasp into the air and he ruts his hips into my arse.

"Mmm, on edge, love?" he sneers, knowing full well what he is doing to me.

I attempt to inflict the same heavenly torture on him by pushing my arse back into his crotch but he is one step ahead, removing his hand and spinning me around in the blink of an eye, a knowing smile gracing his lips.

"Naughty," he mumbles before placing his fingers into his plumb bottom lip and sucking them clean as his eyes bore into mine and I loose my breath.

My tummy tumbles at the intensity of his stare and I barely register what's happening when he unzips my jeans and pulls them and my panties down with him as he kneels in front of me.

His dampened fingers glide through my wetness again before pushing into me once more, my hands clutching the counter top behind me as his other arm wraps around to lock my knees in place.

"You gonna be quiet for me, angel?" he purrs as his fingers curl against my front wall and I nod furiously at his request, desperate to feel the release that has been itching away at my insides all day.

His lips tease me, pressing kisses into my thighs just inches away from where I need him most and I throw my head back to pant heavily into the air in frustration.

"Please Harry, need your mouth so bad," I plead. I know how much he loves it when I beg and even when he is in his most dominate of moods I can still see the slight wavering in his fingers or lips when the tone of my voice hits his eardrums.

He nips the delicate skin of my inner thigh with his teeth and growls at my pained expression that always makes him a little weaker.

His green eyes burn holes into mine as he places the softest of licks to my swollen bud and my hands twist into his hair in encouragement.

A sloppy kiss replaces his tongue and suctions while my mind spins at the feeling and his fingers continue to work me with experienced proficiency.

I bite my bottom lip to stop myself from crying out at the overwhelming sensational capturing my body and brain, short sharp breaths the only sound mixing with the slippery sucking noises Harry is providing.

I can feel my limbs starting to tingle and my core clenches around his fingers as he pulls his lips away and murmurs into my swell, "gonna come for me, baby?"

I nod and groan a hushed "mhm" into the room before Harry is pulling away and standing up in a hurry.

A high pitch whine escapes the back of my throat in confusion as my eyes snap open at the empty, cold feeling he's left me with, my jaw dropping when I see the mischievous grin plastered on his face.

"Harry! No!" I yelp as his evil chuckle fills the room and he pulls my pants back up my legs.  I watch on in bewilderment, my head still foggy and my fingers trembling with anticipation.

"Baby! Please! Wait!" I add urgently trying to grab hold of his sweatshirt and his eyebrows shoot up.

"Baby? Fuck, you must have been really close, huh?" he smirks and I whimper at his callous game.

He licks his fingers clean with an exaggerated suck as I stand helplessly panting, my mind racing and hoping he miraculously changes his to let me finish.

He pulls his coat on, the smart arse grin never leaving his face while he washes his hands, and I decide to just wait until he leaves and finish myself off.

Harry licks his lips and hums when he realises I'm procrastinating, the frown etched into my face only seeming to make this more entertaining for him.

He bites the inner corner of his lips to stop his smile when he sees how irritable I am.

His arms wrap around my hips as I pull my coat on, sulking shamelessly and he presses a loving kiss to my lips.

"You're very cute when you're cranky and all wound up, my love," he croons, "turns me on to tell you the truth," his voice drops an octave before he whispers "but it's going to be me who makes you come today and trust me, I'll know if you've touched yourself, angel."

I huff at his threat and he laughs to himself as I push his shoulder in jest and he pulls me in for a heated kiss just to cement his upper hand.

I huff at his threat and he laughs to himself as I push his shoulder in jest and he pulls me in for a heated kiss just to cement his upper hand

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