Prom Prince (Prinxiety)

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May 13th, 2018

It seemed like a nice event. The ballroom was full of high school students dancing and enjoying themselves at their prom dance. Virgil wasn't one of them. He was standing in the corner trying desperately not to have a mental breakdown. He was practically shaking with the effort. 

He didn't know why he'd let Patton convince him to buy a ticket. It wasn't as if he'd been asked by anyone; he figured they could go together as friends, but he had a date. Patton had just been trying to get him to go to socialize, but it was a mistake for him to actually listen. 

"Hey, I didn't expect to see you here," a vaguely familiar voice said. 

Virgil looked up to see Roman Prince, the very popular, musical theatre prodigy of the school. They'd only spoken a few times, and didn't know each other very well. "W-What do you mean?" he managed, hugging himself as he shook. 

"This just doesn't really seem like your scene," Roman said with a shrug.

"It' n-not, my friend c-convinced me to come b-but I don't e-even have a date, and I just feel like everyone's looking at me and saying, 'oh it's Virgil,  the dateless, lonely emo kid' and I just want to go home before I h-have a mental breakdown," he gushed without filter. When he was on the edge of a meltdown, he usually said whatever came to mind even if he didn't know the person that well. 

Roman looked concerned as he shrunk back further so that he was actually against the wall. "Hey, hey, it's alright, no one's saying that," he said comfortingly. "Can I touch you?"

The emo anxiously nodded, still not looking at him. He reached out, gently taking his hands away from his body, as he was gripping his arms too tightly for his comfort. "Shh... deep breaths," he said softly, rubbing circles into his hands with his thumbs. "You're alright, you're alright, no one's mocking you or making fun of you. No one's even looking at you, see?"

He took one hand to tilt Virgil's head up by his chin to see the crowd of teenagers. Not a single person was looking their way. He shakily exhaled as he looked back toward Roman. "Feeling a little better?" 

"Y-Yes... thank you," the emo replied with a sigh. "I don't really know why you're helping me. We're not even that c-close and you probably here with someone..."

Roman chuckled, shaking his head. "I'm actually not..." he said with a shrug. As a strange silence fell over them, a slow dance started playing. They both looked toward the dance floor, blushing a little. The actor turned to him, rubbing the back of his neck. "You wouldn't happen to want to dance, would you?"

"You're... you're asking me?" Virgil asked in shock.

He nodded, offering a hand with a kind smile. The emo slowly nodded with a shy smile as he placed his hand in his. Roman led him to the dance floor, his hands sliding down to a respectful place on his waist. Virgil blushed a little at it as he looped his arms around his shoulders. 

"You're sure you wouldn't rather be dancing with someone else?" he asked. 

"Certain," Roman said with a smile as he began to sway with him. 

They shared a smile as they relaxed. They moved closer, Virgil leaning up to hug him. The actor gasped a tiny bit before hugging him back. "Thank you," the emo said with happy sigh. "You really didn't have to do this..."

"But I wanted to," Roman replied with a smile as he pulled out of the embrace to look him in the eye. "Just like I'd like to take you out to lunch tomorrow, if you'd like to." 

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