Laser Tag (Prinxiety)

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September 1st, 2019

If there was one thing Roman enjoyed most to do with a group of friends, it was games. Not board games or video games, he meant real games. Stuff that required actual movement or thinking, such as laser tag, paintball, or escape rooms. Whenever he convinced his friends to come along, it was a blast.

Sometimes it took more convincing than others. For instance, Virgil was not a fan of laser tag despite it being one his personal favorite things. The darkness, flashing lights, and loud noises tended to give him a sensory overload.

"Come on Virge, please?" he begged, puffing out his bottom lip pitifully in the emo's direction. "Do this for me? Pretty please?"

The darkly dressed young man glared at him, but upon seeing his pleading eyes, he found himself unable to say no. Patton and Logan had already agreed to meet him there, and it was always more fun with all four of them rather than just the three. Virgil sighed heavily and caved. "Alright, let me go put my shoes on. You owe me for this though, Princey, and you bet your ass I plan to win."

"YES! Thank you JD-lightful!!" Roman cheered. 

Twenty minutes later, the four of them were at a laser tag place, getting ready to go into the area room. They were strapping on chest plates with sensors on them and testing out their blasters to make sure they were working. They'd split up so that Roman and Logan were on one team, and Virgil and Patton were on the other, each with their own group of strangers as teammates. The princely young man was practically vibrating with excitement, while Virgil was shockingly silent. 

"Virge, you good?" he asked, feeling guilt tugging at his stomach; maybe he really wasn't comfortable with this.

He said nothing and followed his team without so much as looking at him. Roman tried not to feel hurt by it, but the action sent a uncomfortable feeling into his chest, like someone had dropped a weight on him. Swallowing nervously, he followed his team into the dark room.

The two teams started on opposite sides of the room and then there was a count down to trigger the start of the game. As soon as it go to zero, Roman was running through the makeshift walls and cover to find targets. He nailed a couple strangers from the enemy team with a laugh at the look of confusion on their faces. He was about to continue his attack when someone suddenly pushed him.

He found himself pressed into a very dark corner against the wall, blinking in shock. Anger surged up in his chest. "Hey! Physical contact isn't allowed!" he snapped. His eyes then adjusted to the gloom and met those of the person pinning him. Roman blinked again. "Virgil? What are you-"

The darkly dressed young man pressed closer to him, effectively silencing the princely man mid sentence. He had no idea what was going on, but he wasn't about to ask questions as Virgil leaned into his space and let his mouth hover next to his ear. He could feel his breaths ghosting over his neck, making him tremble and press his head back against the wall. He was certain he was blushing. 

Virgil lips trailed down his jaw and followed it to his chin before stopping right over his lips. The tension in the air was so electric that for a moment he thought a wire had come loose in his gear. 

"Virge..." he whispered, voice hopelessly breathless. 

He kissed him hard, making a small noise escape his throat as he kissed back. Roman wasn't sure just what was happening, but he'd always wanted to do this, so he didn't really care anymore. His hands landed on the other man, searching for something to hold on to. They entangled themselves with Virgil's hair as he pulled him closer. 

This felt like it last eons to him, but in reality it was about fifteen seconds before the emo pulled away. Roman looked at him with half lidded eyes, knowing his lips were probably swollen but not really caring as he tried to kiss him again.

Virgil leaned past his lips and close to his ear once more. Roman could've sworn he felt him smirk. That's when he felt something plastic tap his chest. "Gotcha."

His eyes flew open wide as he heard the cartoon-ish sound of the laser tag blaster going off. His jaw dropped open in shock as the darkly dressed man stepped back and disappeared into the darkness of the battle room without another word. He was left stammering against the wall, face completely flushed red. He honestly wasn't sure if that was from anger, embarrassment, or arousal at that point as he slid down the wall. 

That was not how he was expecting laser tag to go. 

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