We're Falling Apart To Half Time (Prinxiety)

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July 13th, 2018

Sorry for being away so long. My motivation is just nonexistent. Also he's not dancing to "Dance, Dance", I just liked that phrase for the title.

Tears were rolling down Virgil's cheeks, salty and cold against his skin as he ran. His feet hit the pavement hard and his bag kept hitting his thigh in a way that he knew would form a bruise, but he continued anyway, desperate to get away. Their words lingered, the look of horror on his face lingered, everything lingered in his mind, assaulting him as he threw open the doors to his dance studio. 

"S-Stupid k-k-kids and stupid R-Roman- I just- why me?!" he practically screamed once inside the empty studio. 

Virgil was a dancer. Not many people knew this about him, but he was a damn good one. He used dancing as a way to escape the world, to the point where his instructor gave him a spare key to the building for him to use any time he wished to. 

Now he threw his bang down, angrily pulling off his boots and jacket all the while wiping at his tear stained cheeks. He was sniffling, nose slightly runny from the crying, but he was too angry and upset to care as he rolled off his socks and took out his phone to find the song he wanted to dance to.

Roman was breathing heavily, chasing after the boy wearing black. That boy had been his secret crush for years, his best friend whom he'd assumed was straight or not interested. That boy was apparently a dancer, and had been caught by some kids dancing in the auditorium during lunch. He'd been recorded, and ridiculed all day by cruel creatures known commonly as high school students. When Roman had found out about this hidden talent the boy he loved had, he'd been in complete shock. His jaw had dropped and his eyes had widened to saucers. He'd been so in shock that it must have looked bad to the boy. That boy, Virgil, bolted. 

So here the princely boy was, reaching the building he'd seen him run into, opening the doors to the studio which hadn't been locked behind Virgil. "Virgil?! Virgil? Please talk to me-" he called, freezing as he entered one of the studio spaces. 

There was music playing; it felt angry, sad, hurt, and in the center of the room there was a boy in black moving with it's rhythm and melody. He was making no attempt to mask his feelings, having his eyes closed making him unaware of someone watching him as he cried. Roman was spellbound by his movements, finding himself only able to watch him. Virgil moved with such grace and elegance, yet somehow displayed the power of raw emotion through the movements of his body. Those emotions clouded his mind as he danced, unable to shake the thoughts of the kids at school, all laughing at him for enjoying something deemed feminine by social standards. He was unable to shake the face of his best friend, the boy he'd been in love with for years. 

Why did he have to see that stupid video? I didn't want him to know I danced, I didn't want him to find out like that if he had to find out, he yelled in his mind, feeling anger and sadness battling over which feeling was more prominent. The look on his face told me everything I needed to know... he thinks it's ridiculous. He thinks I'M a joke. He won't be friends with me anymore, and he'll never feel the same way!

By the end of the song, Virgil collapsed to his knees, sobbing. This was when the trance keeping Roman frozen in his tracks broke, making him move to him and fall to his knees with him. "Virgil! Breathe," he pleaded, feeling his chest aching at the sight of him in so much pain. The boy in black just continued to cry, hyperventilating. Roman pulled him to his chest, holding him close as he tried to comfort him. "It's okay, it's going to be okay Virgil, just take deep breaths."

"I d-didn't want p-people to KNOW!" Virgil cried, gripping his shirt tightly as he clung to him for dear life. "I didn't w-want YOU to k-know!"

Roman felt his heart clench at his words, choosing to wait until he'd calmed down to address his thoughts. "Shh, shh, breathe for me, deep breaths," he murmured, carding his fingers through his hair. He continued to hold him close as he sobbed it out. It took him a good ten minutes to calm down, sobs quieting to sniffles.

"I'm s-sorry..." Virgil whispered, hiding his face even more. 

"You have nothing to apologize for," Roman murmured back, rubbing his back. There was a moment of silence between them before he spoke up again. "Why didn't you want me to know about your talent, Virgil?" 

The boy in black shook his head. "I thought... you'd think it was weird, you looked so horrified and disgusted when you saw the video," he rambled. "And it's h-hardly a talent. I'm just a mess... why are you even here?"

"Because I care for you a great deal," the princely boy replied firmly, pulling away to wipe the tears from his cheeks, meeting his eyes. "Virgil, you misinterpreted my shock for horror and disgust and ran before I could tell you how incredible you are. You're amazing, and I wish you knew how beautiful you are..."

Roman gave him a sad and affectionate smile, hands traveling down to his. He laced their fingers together and helped him back to his feet. Virgil looked at him with wide eyes as he did so, still sniffling. The princely boy pulled him into another hug, kissing him briefly on the temple as he did so. This made the other confused, butterflies fluttering in his stomach as he hugged him back. He had so many questions, so many worries and concerns. "Roman-"

"Shh..." he cooed, running his fingers through his hair again. "Let's get you back home before we talk anymore, alright?"

He nodded, burying is face into Roman's shoulder as he gripped him tighter for a moment longer. He had no idea what was going on between them, but he was just thankful to still have him as his friend, and possibly something more.

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