Shocked (Logicality)

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January 27th, 2019
A/N: This one's really short, but I'm going to post another one later so look forward to that.

Logan was fully aware of how silly his boyfriend was. He was absolutely ridiculous sometimes, and that's one of the things he loved about him. It was nice to have someone silly around to counterbalance his serious nature.

He looked up as said boyfriend entered their living room with both his feet, and his hands, covered in socks.

"Um..." he began, watching as the man shuffled toward him, rubbing his hands together and his sock covered feet against their carpet. Patton made his wave over to him, a mischievous look on his face as he slid the socks off of his hands. He raised this eyebrow up at him as he pushed his rectangular glasses up. "Should I even bother to question what it is you're doing?"

His boyfriend let out a giggle and poke him, making him jump as a sharp jolt of static electricity when through his skin.

"Um, why?" Logan inquired as the other man started to giggle. He was rubbing his feet back and forth on the carpet in place above him, and raising both hands, looking prepared for his attack. His eyes widened as he realized what his plan was. "Patton- no, don't even think about it-"

He did, leaping on top of him and poking him wherever he could touch skin. The usually stoic man squirmed beneath him, the shocks sending strange tingly vibrations along his skin that felt like he was being tickled.

A giggle escaped his lips, making him reach up and slap a hand over his mouth. Patton looked at him with wide eyes and large grin. "Gotcha!"

"Patton, wait-"

His boyfriend ignored him and continued to tickle and shock him, making Logan burst into a fit of uncontrollable giggles that sounded very undignified if you asked him. Eventually, his face began to appear red and he seemed to be struggling for oxygen, so Patton stopped, propping himself up above him on the couch as he caught his breath.

"What on earth was that for?" Logan questioned, blushing furiously up at his boyfriend.

The giggling man leaned in and pressed their lips together in a gentle kiss, but to there surprise, a little static shock went off between them. "Oh!" he gasped, pulling away and reaching up to touch his lips. He giggled, making Logan blush even more and smile as well, tilting his head back with a chuckle. "Static electricity is so fun and amusing! I just wanted to make you smile!"

"Well, you succeeded," he replied, leaning forward to touch their noses together. A little zap went off between them, making them both grin even more.

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