Chapter 1

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Chapter One:

Welcome to the Organization

Her arm was held in a tight grasp and her body held firmly to the chair to keep her immobile as another person stood at her bound wrists. All around her were walls of high contrast - white walls approximately four feet tall that gave way to black, one way mirrors on three of the walls. The ebony haired woman looked up into the man's eyes and was disgusted to find no spark of life. There were no markers of his own personality under the issued outfit; not even his hair showed individuality. And he showed no interest in his job as he pulled out a tattoo gun. She struggled against the restraints but nothing she did helped. She was strapped down tightly in strategic places to the restraining chair.

The woman kept trying to flex her hand, trying to summon up something to help her. She tried to summon her Gift, a power she'd had for years with no explanation for how she'd gotten it, fruitlessly. Her breathing quickened as she panicked. Nothing; she couldn't feel anything rising to the surface in her defense. As the man drilled into her skin over and over again, the bound woman screamed at him with every derogatory word that she knew. Her head was forcibly jerked to the side before they jammed yet another needle into her body. She felt every moment as her body froze up, traveling from the injection like a rushing stream which took away her ability to even protest. A stunted sound echoed in her throat but it seemed as though she didn't have control over her tongue and her lips.

"Don't worry about the temporary paralysis. It's a side effect of the process; it should wear off soon. From now on your identification number is 1-7-2 B2. You would do well to memorize it. That's what you'll be called from here on out," a voice called out from somewhere behind one of the one way mirrors with a hint of pride in his voice. "Welcome to the Organization."

As the man before her finished up the procedure and removed the strap from around her forehead, Razaria was finally able to move her head to see what had been put on the underside of her left wrist against her will. Maring her skin was black lines of varying width. The recognition of what was there seemed surreal to her. It was a bar code. They had put a bar code on her like she was some sort of product to be sold. Indignation and fury welled up inside of her as she stared at the black ink on her left forearm. The room was too quiet for a moment. The cold room barely held the sound of breathing as the paralysis continued to play a part in keeping her down. In that eerie stillness her heart sounded like the waves of an ocean crashing angrily inside of her body.

Within thirty seconds, the doors opened up with a decisive mechanical sound before two guards walked in. They moved over to her prone form and gripped her arms tightly as the chair's restraining straps were undone. Though everything in her wanted to fight them, Razaria still couldn't move. Perhaps that was the scariest sensation of all - they had removed her ability to even try to fight back. They carted her out of the procedural room and down the long hallway. The hallways blurred together to her as they hauled her around forcibly. Everywhere she could even begin to see was black or white with a few variations of gray on the high vaulted ceilings. The guards stopped in front of what looked to be a wall only for a section of it to open before them. As the wall moved it revealed a network of lasers and she could barely make out another door behind the brightness of the tightly woven laser web.

One of the guards pointed a skinny flashlight looking device, no wider than a pencil she used to write with in school, at the grid of laser lights. The lines of lasers went away after he traced the doorway with the beam of light. She finally saw the door behind the laser grid and realized that it looked completely out of place. It looked like any other bedroom door she had ever seen, though it was made out of a matte metal she had yet to confront. Like everything else about this place it was alien to her. As she tried to come to terms with something so simple being so strange, Razaria wiggled her fingers. Her whole body had that tingling type of pain that came with something waking up. She tried to reach out, wanting to touch the strange metallic door as her limbs started to wake up. She had forgotten that her arms were both held back by two very big, very scary looking men as well as the fact that she was still having issues moving.

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