Chapter 2 A new start

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Hey there hope you guys like chapter 2 this is going to be long chapter so I hope you guys like it enjoy.

Chapter 2 A new start

2 years later

Amy-(Amy sighs looking at a picture of her and sonic when they were little kids)

Amy-(Amy sighs looking at a picture of her and sonic when they were little kids)

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Amy-(yawn) well time to make me some breakfast

Rosy- Good morning sis

Amy - Good morning

Rosy- had a nice sleep

Amy- (looking with a sad face at her sister)

Rosy- still thinking about sonic

Amy- what? No maybe (Amy looking sad again)

Rosy- Look Amy Sonic's gone now and I know you miss him but let's just face it Sonic's never coming back

Amy- I know but I keep having the same flashback in my dream's It feels like my dream's are trying to tell me something

Rosy- To get over him remember who you have already

Amy- I know shadow (Amy blushing 😊)

Rosy- that's right oh and aren't you going on a ride on his motorcycle 🏍 today

Amy- oh yea I can't wait (Amy blushing again)

Rosy- oh little sis can you give this to mom upstairs it's her breakfast

Amy- sure

(Amy go's upstairs to her Mother's bedroom)

Amy- hey mom❤️

Amy's mother Rosetta- Hello my sweet Amy ❤️

Amy- Rosy made you breakfast

Rosetta- tell her thank you❤️

Rosetta- oh and Amy I have something for you (Rosetta grab's a necklace and put's it on Amy)

Amy- what's this for?

Rosetta- It's a necklace that changes color of what you feel for another person❤️ its ethier Love, friendship, heartbreak or hate

Amy- thank's mom❤️ (Amy hug's her mother)

Rosy- AMY!!! (Shouting her name)

Amy- what is it (panicking)

Rosy- your going to be late for your date with shadow

Amy- It's not a date were just going for a ride 

Rosy- exactly a date

Amy-🙄 anyway what should I wear?

Rosy- I know who to call (calling Rouge)

Amy- oh no

Rouge- I'm here

Rouge- where's Amy?

(Amy hiding under the bed)

Rosy- Amy get out of there (Rosy pulling Amy out under the bed)

Amy- ughhhhhh

Rouge- Alright let's get started

3 hours later

Rouge/Rosy- perfect, I love it 😍❤️

Rouge/Rosy- perfect, I love it 😍❤️

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Amy- I love it can I go now

(Shadow knocks' on the door)

Rosy- shadow's here

Amy- opens the door then closes it behind her

(Shadow looks at Amy and starts blushing ☺️)

Amy- why are you red?

Shadow- nothing it's just you look cute in that dress

(Amy blushes)

Amy- um are we going on a ride on your motorcycle

Shadow- oh yeah heh

(After the motorcycle 🏍 ride they stop at twinkle park)

Shadow- Amy

Amy- hm yeah

( shadow grabs Amy torwards him)

Shadow- I love you my rose 🌹

Amy- I love you too❤️

(Shadow kisses Amy on the cheek)

(Shadow brings Amy home)

Amy-bye shadow

Shadow- bye my rose 🌹

Amy- well time to get ready for bed

(Amy goes to the window and looks up at the stars ✨)

Amy- will you ever come back?

That's it for now chapter 3 will be finish tomorrow hope you enjoyed today's chapter I forgot to tell you I'm going to be having long chapters and short chapters everyday well tune in for chapter 3 tomorrow.

The first picture I got was from Instagram by

The second picture I got was by Diana-Itzon DevianArt

The third picture I got was made by @johnny-Doddles-2015

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