Chapter 19 Girl Time

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Hey everyone I hope you love today's chapter I just want to let everyone know that I will maybe be making another book but I'm really not sure yet anyway enjoy today's chapter💗

Chapter 19 Girl time

( Blazes house)

Blaze- you realize you can't hide here

Rosy- uggh I know but I can't tell her it will break her heart💔

( Rosy had tears  in her eyes)

Blaze-OK listen Rosy sometimes you just have to tell her because it can get worse and sure she'll be sad about it but she will know that you're just looking out for her

( Rosy smiles)

Rosy- your right! Thanks Blaze your a good best friend ❤️

Blaze- well see you at your house later

Rosy- wait why

Blaze- the sleepover?

Rosy-shoot I forgot oh my gosh I got to go it's late

( Amy's house)

Blaze- here we are now go to bed we have a lot to do tomorrow

Rosy- ok bye blaze

Blaze- bye Rosy

( Rosy sneaks in the house)

( the lights suddenly turn on)

Amy- it's late!

Rosy- ( sigh) hey sis

( Amy's face suddenly turns into a worried 😧 face)

Amy- sis what's wrong?

Rosy- uh it's nothing

( Rosy's thoughts)- I can't keep this from her forever but I can't tell her now ethier!

Rosy- I'm just tired ( yawn)

Amy- oh well go upstairs and change I'll give you a glass of milk 🥛 and some cookies 🍪❤️

Rosy- thanks sis❤️

Amy- your welcome❤️

( Amy's thoughts)- I wonder why she was out so late?

( Rosy finish eating her cookies 🍪 and Amy fell right asleep 😴)

Rosy- goodnight sis❤️

The Next Day

( Sonic's room)

Sonic- let's see what to wear hmmm

Sonic- oh I know!

( sonic go's up to the mirror)

( sonic go's up to the mirror)

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Sonic- looking good

( Flashback pictures of Amy)

( Flashback pictures of Amy)

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