Chapter 29 The Space Trip part 1

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Hey everyone chapter will have 3 parts to it hope you like it enjoy❤️

Chapter 29 The Space Trip

(In The XTornado)

(Amy,Sonic are just talking while cream and Tails are Driving the plane Knuckles and Rouge are in the back messing around with stuff)

Amy- um how about I ask you something now

Sonic- ok what is it?

Amy- when did you first meet Sally?

Sonic- well let's see

(Flashback starts)

(In mobius)


(Sonic is playing the guitar 🎸 and Sonia is playing the keyboard 🎹 while Manic is playing the drums 🥁)

Sonic- you guys ready

Manic- let's do this bro

Sonia- we have to wait for the princess 👑

Sonic, Manic- Fine!

(The princess arrives)

Sally- uggh why do we have to go here

Guards- princess meet prince Manic and princess Sonia and finally prince sonic

Sally- hello (she bows down)

(The three hedgehogs bow down as well)

Sonic- Now let's play

(Sonic and Sonia and Manic start to play sonic sings a song called popular song)

(Sonic pulls Sally's arm to the stage)

Sonic- let's go princess 👑

Sally- what but

Sonic- your people are here

(Sally looks to see people coming in Then she turns Back to Sonic)

Sally- uggh fine!

(They start singing 🎤 and Sonia and Manic start playing)

(The song ends)

Sonic- wow you singing is amazing

Sally- thanks I been taking singing 🎤 lessons

Sonic- oh that's cool

Sonic- I'm sonic the hedgehog

Sally- I'm princess Sally but you can call me Sally acorn

(Flashback ends)

Sonic- and we been friends ever since

Amy- oh that's cool

Sonic- but

(Sonic grabs Amy's hand and whispers in her ear)

Sonic- but you will always be my best friend

(Amy blushes and smiles )

(Amy's thoughts)- I can't fall in love with Sonic I'm with shadow Amy stay together you could do this!

(Amy pulls her hand away)

Amy- um I'm going to see what creams up to

(Amy leaves)

(Suddenly sonic see's something coming)

Sonic- what's that I have to warn Tails

(The pilot Room)

Amy- hey cream what are you doing?

Cream- just helping Tails with the plane

Amy- oh

Cream- where's Mr. sonic

Amy- oh um he went to talk to knuckles yea heh

Cream- oh

(Tails thoughts)- looks like I'm going to have to talk to sonic

(Sonic comes in)

Sonic- Tails another ships coming are way!!!!!

Tails- back to your guys seats Now!!!

(Everyone go's the thier seats)

Tails- HANG ON EVERYONE!!!!!!!


(The screams continue until they have a unexpected visitor enter the plane)

(Rouge sees a shadow figure that looks familiar)

Rouge- shadow?

Hey everyone sorry if this was short but I promise you the next chapter will be longer tune in for chapter 30.

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