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Hey everyone you may know me as mileven545 my real name is lily I need your help

Sonic- we need your help

Sonic when did you get here

Sonic- I saw the door open

Sonic- and I just came in

Ok then I need your help on

Cream- here miss lily baked you some cookies 🍪

Oh thank you cream but can I

Blaze- have you seen silver?

No blaze I don't think he's here?

Sonic- what do you mean I saw him come in

Shadow- sure you did

First of all when did you come in

Shadow- came through the window

Ughhhh OK ENOUGH!!!!!!!

(Everyone froze and became silent)

Alright now I want to ask you my readers if I should make a 2nd book to friendship or soulmate just go in the comment section and tell me thanks everyone see you later everyone say bye

Everyone- have a nice dayyyy ,byeeee, seee you soon ❤️❤️

Bye everyone see you next time Love from your author Lilly 💗

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