Chapter 12 Another Reason

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Hey everyone hope you like today's chapter this chapter is going to have a bit of yesterday's and today's chapter.

Chapter 12 Another Reason

( Twinkle park)

Eggman- so what do you say shadow?

Shadow- ugh fine it's a Deal

Eggman- good then see you in a bit when you get my emerald ha ha ha ha

( Eggman leaves on his space ship)

Shadow- great! I have something else to deal with now hmmph

( with Amy)

( chaos valley)

Amy- there has to be a way to find out if I do love sonic

( something appears right in front of her)

Tikal- there is

Amy- ahhhhhhhhhh

Tikal- oh sorry if I scared you

Amy- it's ok but who are you?

Tikal- oh sorry where are my manners I'm Tikal

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Tikal- oh sorry where are my manners I'm Tikal

Amy- ok nice to meet you Tikal

Tikal- you to but why are you in chaos valley?

Amy- I need to know if this necklace is enchanted


Amy- uhh yes?

Tikal- well you come to the right plan uhh what's your name

Amy- um Amy Rose

Tikal- Amy nice name

Amy- thanks

Tikal- well Amy I'm a spell researcher and Keeper of spells

Amy- oh

Tikal- now follow me

Amy- where are we going?

Tikal-  to the spell room

Amy- spell room?

Tikal- it's where I research all kinds of spells and enchanted stuff

Amy- oh

Amy- um how long will this take?

Tikal- not long

Tikal- sit here

Amy- ok

Tikal- now tell me about the necklace

Amy- well my mother told me it's enchanted and every time I see my friends it changes color

Tikal- oh I see now

Amy- you do?

Tikal- yes but I have one more question

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