Chapter 10 Hidden

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Hope you guys like this chapter enjoy💜

Chapter 10 Hidden

( uncle chuck)

Sonia- ok so Amy just sneak in my window ok

Amy- ok

Sonia- I'll just go through the front door ok

Amy- Alright oh and Sonia

Sonia- yea

Amy- thanks❤️

Sonia- well no problem us friends got to help out old friends right

Amy- right

Sonia- ok now go!

Amy- ok

( Sonia knocks on the door)

(Manic opens the door)

Manic- hey sis where were you at?

Sonia- oh um at blazes house

Manic- oh cool

Sonia- yea we'll going to my room now

Manic- ok

( Sonia's room)

Sonia- phew ok if we're going to hide you your going to need a disguise

Amy- what do you mean?

Sonia- hmmmm hold on

( Sonia go's to her closet)

Sonia- oh here's something

Amy- uhhh you sure about this?

Sonia- positive!

Amy- ok then

10 minutes

Amy- ok I'm ready

Sonia- great come out

Amy- um ok here we go

Amy- well?

Sonia- wow you look exactly like me

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Sonia- wow you look exactly like me

Amy- I did always know I would rock the Sonia look

Sonic/Amy- ahahah hahahahah

Sonia- ok well I'm going to go get something us to eat

Amy- Alright

Amy- ( sign) what  am I going to do this necklace is enchanted and bad people are looking for it

( downstairs with Sonia)

Sonia- Let's see oh this and that and that

Sonic- wow that's a lot of food only for you isn't it

Sonia- why is it your business

( Sonic gets a text from tails)

Sonic- oh no!

Sonia- what


Sonia- she is oh no

Sonia- uh we'll go find her I'll see if I see her walk by here ok

Sonic- thanks sis MANIC!

Manic- yea bro what's up?


Manic- woah how and why?

Sonic- I don't know  Let's go

Manic- where?

Sonic- To Amy's house!

Manic- ok

Sonia- I'll keep an eye on the house when your gone

Sonic- ok sis will be back later

( Sonic leaves with Manic)

Sonia- phew that was close

( Sonia go's upstairs)

( Amy's house)

( Rosy's sitting on the couch with tails, cream, Blaze, Rouge)

Rosy- I hope shadow and silver found her

Rouge- Are these posters ok

( Rosy looks at the picture)

Rosy ( starts crying 😭) It's perfect

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Rosy ( starts crying 😭) It's perfect

( Rouge hug's Rosy)

( sonic and Manic come in)

Sonic- Are all of you ok

Sonic- don't worry me and Tails and Manic will find her and bring her home

Rosy- thank you sonic

( with shadow and silver)

( Twinkle park)

Shadow- Amy! Amy! Amy! Amy!

Shadow let's go separate and try to find her

Silver- ok

Silver- hmmmm what's that

( with shadow)

Shadow- Amy! Amy! Amy! Amy!

Shadow- where could  she be

( shadow go's further)

( shadow starts hearing a sound coming closer and  closer)

Shadow- huh

Shadow- show yourself Now!

Eggman- well well if it isn't shadow the hedgehog

Shadow- EGGMAN!

Hey everyone thanks for reading tell me if you loved today's chapter in the comments tune in for chapter 11.

The picture I got was by kaya- snapdragon on DevianArt.

The second picture I got was by Giant bomb.

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