Chapter 31 space trip part 3

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Chapter 31 Space Trip part 3

(In the XTornado)

(Tails and sonic and cream are in the front of the plane and rouge and knuckles are just sitting together talking while shadow and Amy are talking)

Rouge- do you think they are mad at eachother?

Knuckles- I don't really know but something is up

(The front of the plane)

Sonic- what do you think they are talking about

Tails- well sonic we just have to let them settle it themselves it's not are Business ok

Sonic- but still I mean shadows been gone for a couple of days and out of nowhere he shows up here I mean how did he know where we even were?

Cream- well mr sonic he did say that he told silver where we were

Sonic- yea but what if he's lying

Tails- even if he might be telling the truth we have to just wait and see what happens

Sonic- still it feels something's a bit off

Sonic whispers- and I'm going to find out what

Tails- hey sonic did you call your mom and tell her that your in space

(Sonic realizes)

Sonic- oops no um heh

Tails- (sigh) sonic

(Tails grabs the phone and hands it to sonic)

Tails- call her!

Sonic- fine

(Sonic calls Queen Aleena)

Aleena on the other end- hello?

Sonic- hey mom

Aleena- oh sweetie where are you I've been worried sick

Sonic- ok don't freak out but I'm in space with tails

Aleena- your what!

Aleena- son why are you in space!

Sonic- we're getting Amy's sister back from you know who?

Aleena- he has her oh no well good luck son I hope you guys get her

Sonic- thanks mom I hop to

Aleena- be careful

Sonic- I will

Aleena- ok I love you my angel

Sonic- love you to mom bye

Aleena- bye

(Sonic hangs up)

Tails- well?

Sonic- she was not mad she actually supported it

Tails- phew that's good

Sonic- yup

(With Amy and shadow)

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