Chapter 4 The unexspected

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Hey guys hope you guys enjoy today's chapter this might be a bit of anger in this chapter anyway enjoy.

Chapter 4 The unexpected

Elena- Listen closely you guy's are royalty I'm sorry I did not tell you my Angels

Sonia- wow

Manic- wicked


Elena- Sonic are you ok

Sonic- I don't know what to say

Elena- that's why I'm giving you time to think about it when you go back to emerald coast to live with your uncle chuck for a while

Manic- wait mom your not coming

Elena- no I have to sort some papers here but I will come and visit once and a while

( Elena hug's her kids )

Sonia- will miss you❤️

Elena- goodbye for now my children I love you❤️

( meanwhile back in the Emerald coast)

(Amy's house)

Amy- man it's getting harder and harder to stop thinking about you 💗

( Amy's phone rings)

Cream- Hey Amy I was wondering if you like to come over for some apple pie 🥧

Amy- oh yum hang on I'm coming over

( At creams house)

( cream get's out apple pie 🥧 out of the oven)

Amy- that looks great cream

Cream- thanks Amy

Tails- I think so too ( tails starts blushing ☺️)

( cream starts blushing 😊)

Amy- giggles ❤️

Cream- anyway why are you here tails

Tails- oh right I come because Rouge told me to tell you guy's she's having karaoke 🎤 night at her house tonight

Cream- oh YAY!!!!

Amy- fun

Cream- we will be there 

Tails- nice

Cream- oh and tails here

Tails- what

( cream gives him a piece of apple pie 🥧)

Tails- yum 😋 thanks

Cream- your welcome ❤️

Amy- Lovebirds hahahah

Cream- Amy shhh

Tails- well see you guys later then

( meanwhile with sonic)

Sonic- yes we're here

Manic- finally

( Sonia knocks on the door )

(Uncle chuck opens the door)

Sonic- hey there uncle chuck I missed you

Sonia- we all did ❤️

Uncle chuck- I did to❤️

(Uncle chuck hug's his nephews and niece)

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