Chapter 28 The Take off

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Hey everyone today's chapter will have parts you missed from yesterday enjoy 😉

Chapter 28 The Take off

(Space Ark)

Eggman- where's shadow he should of been back by now!

(Shadow appears)

Eggman- great your back did you get it

(Shadow nods)

(Shadow hands the picture to him)

Shadow- I don't get it why do you need that

Eggman- you'll see hahahaha

(Tails workshop)

Tails- so let me get this straight the first time you met shadow your felt you couldn't trust him

Sonic- yes

Tails- but now you know you can't trust him

Sonic- yes

Tails- and suddenly your getting flashbacks of Amy?

Sonic- yes

Tails- and finally you are getting the Flashback when you left Amy

Sonic- yes

Sonic- what am I going to do Tails?

Tails- so if I add all this up it seems that you like Amy?

Sonic- what No heh why do you think that? Hahahah heh?

Tails- look Sonic I don't trust shadow ethier but you have to be honest with me do you like Amy?

Sonic- (sigh) yes I love Amy

Tails- what? Say that one more time

Sonic- I love Amy happy!

Tails- haha yup

Sonic- can I ask you something?

Tails- sure

Sonic- last night I went to Amy's room to ask her for a blanket but then I saw a necklace glowing I touched it that's where I got the Flashback of when I left

Tails- I think I read about this before

Sonic- Really? 

Tails-how did her necklace look?

Sonic- well it bad like an oval shape and it's red

Tails- well I'll have to do some more information about that ok

Sonic- can I stay here tonight?

Tails- sure you can sonic

Sonic- thanks buddy

Tails- no problem

(Space Ark)

Eggman- Rosy!

Rosy- what!

Eggman- here

(Eggman gives the picture to Rosy)

(Eggman gives the picture to Rosy)

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Rosy- who's this?

Eggman- that's your enemy she wants to take your power away

Rosy- Not on my watch she is!

Rosy- looks like I have a new Target!

The Next Day

(Amy's house)

(The Living Room)

Amy- huh?

(Amy realizes what time it was)

Amy- oh my gosh it's 12:59 I gotta wake up Rouge and Cream!

(Amy hits Rouge and Cream with a pillow)

Rouge- owww my head

Cream- oww my ears what's going on?

Amy- what's going on is we have to pack now!

Rouge- already did hon

Cream- I did it 1 day ago

Amy- so just me

Rouge- will help you darling

Cream- yea

(Amy smiles)

Amy- thanks guys

(Tails workshop)

(Sonic was still asleep while Tails was finishing repairing the plane)

(Sonic wakes up and hears a loud noise)

Sonic- huh? Tails?

Tails- I just finished fixing the plane

Sonic- oh

Tails- you ready

Sonic- you bet but first let's wait for the others

30 minutes later

Tails- ok well I guess it's time

Tails- sonic,Amy,Cream,Rouge,Knuckles lets go

(Sonic go's torwards to Amy)

Sonic- you ready?

Amy- hold on

(Amy says bye to everyone)

Tails- you sure you guys want to watch my workshop

Sonia- were good Tails

Manic- yea we got this

Tails- ok

(Amy go's back torwards Sonic)

Sonic- Now

Amy- Now

(They all go in the ship and take off)

(Amy and sonic are in the ship talking)

(The Xtornado)

Sonic- so you ready  for this

Amy- yes!

Amy- it's Time I get my sister back!

Hey everyone thanks for reading tune in for chapter 29 soon.

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