Attention !🛑

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Hey guys Mileven545 here I'm here to tell you

Sonic- oh is she finally going to say it

Amy- we don't know sonic but I hope so

Um you guys

Shadow- she will say it give her time

Um you guys can I say

Silver- you sure she's going to say it

Blaze- wait silver be patient

Thank you blaze

Tails- has she said it

Sonic- no not yet I don't even think she is going to

Ok SONIC let me talk!!!

Sonic- heh sorry

Anyway I want to let you guys know when this book is over I will be showing you my next book I'll be working on i can't tell you a lot of stuff but I can say some

Sonic- like when

Sonic don't spill anything out

Sonic- fine

Anyway it's going to be a romance/mystery/horror book

Sonic- scary yikes

Shadow- shut up faker

Sonic- nope

Stop you to gosh and I can't wait to tell you this ❤️

This book will have two stories in one book ❤️🤟

Sonic- really!

Yes really and I also would like to thank all the readers for reading my book and liking it

Sonic- yea we appreciate it 💗

Amy- thanks guys ❤️

The next chapter of friendship or soulmate will be posted on Sunday can't wait for you guys to see it ❤️

Sonic- yea hope you like it

Sonic- oh and one more thing tell me if you ship sonamy or sonally or shadamy

Amy- yea just comment and let us know

Oh thanks Amy and sonic for that info tell us what ship you like more sonamy or sonally or shadamy anyways see you guys Sunday the cover of my next book will be posted on June 20.

Say bye everyone

Amy/Sonic/shadow/silver/blaze/Tails - byeeeee see ya goodbye see you soon

Haha 😂 bye readers for now love from mileven545 and sonic friends ❤️

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