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Lily- Hey everyone so as you know today is Father's Day and I just want to wish you guys a Father's Day but I'm not alone I have some of the sonic gang here with me today.

Lily- Today I have sonic,Amy,Rouge,Cream, knuckles,Tails with me today say hi everyone

Sonic- hi ya

Amy- hey everyone

Rouge- hello darlings

Tails- well hello

Cream- very nice to see you all again

Knuckles- good to see you all

Lily- shadow could not come today Rouge what did you say he had to do today again?

Rouge- he had to go on a mission

Lily- oh ok then  blaze and silver could not make it because they had to do something they said so no Blaze and silver today

Amy- ok can I just say something real quick

Lily- sure what is it Amy

Amy- does anyone ship silvlaze

Sonic- I do

Cream- me too

Tails- 100% I do

Lily- ok ok Everyone that's Are opinion but readers let us know if you ship Silvlaze

Lily- so you guys told me you made something for all the fathers out there sonic gang

Sonic- yup we did

Amy- here this is for all the fathers out there happy Father's Day

Amy- here this is for all the fathers out there happy Father's Day

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Lily- aww it's cute but where's the s in fathers?

Tails- oops I forgot to put the s sorry

Amy- it's ok tails it still looks nice

Lily- happy Father's Day everyone see you next chapter of Friendship or Soulmate say bye everyone

Cream- bye happy Father's Day everyone

Sonic- happy Father's day to all of dads

Amy- happy Father's Day to all of you

Tails- happy Father's Day 😁

Knuckles- happy Father's day bye 👋

Rouge- happy Father's Day to everyone bye 👋😉

Lily- bye everyone see you next time Love from your author and sonic gang❤️

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