Chapter 22 Party🎊Time part 1

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Hey everyone sorry for the wait I hope you guys like this chapter I also forgot to say sorry that shadow was not in the last few chapters that much the next chapter he will be more in it anyways enjoy today's chapter❤️

Chapter 22 party 🎊 time part 1

(Uncle chucks house)

(Sonic's room)

Sonic- (yawn) oh shoot today's the karaoke 🎤 party 🎉

Sonic- time to get what to wear

Sonic- this outfit is good for the party 🎊

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Sonic- this outfit is good for the party 🎊

Sonic- now time to decorate and get chips out and drinks and.......

Sonia- done

Manic- wicked sis

Sonia- thanks

Sonic- wow sis I did not know that you could decorate like this

Sonia- there's a lot of things you don't know

Sonic- that's true bro I got to say you make a good salsa sauce

Manic- well I know right

Sonic- everything's set oh wait I forgot to invite sally

(Sonia thoughts)- sally? Why her?

Manic- don't forget the guest too

Sonic- right

Sonic- let me call sally

(Aunt Marys house)

Aunt Mary- sally darling you have a call on your phone

(Call from sonic)

Sally- sonic?!

(Sally on the phone)- blue you there?

(Sonic on the other end)- the princess 👑 finally answers

(Sally on the other end)- shut up what did you want

(Sonic the other end)- I was wondering if you wanted to come for a party 🎉

Sally- a party?

(Sonic still on the other end)- yea only if you want to come

(Sally thoughts)- hmmm I don't know should I?

(Elena's voice in Sally's mind)- will you change his mind

(Sally on the other end)- sure I guess what do I have to wear

(Sonic on the other end)- just wear what you want sal

(Sally on the other end)- ok❤️

(Sonic on the other end)- see you later princess 👑 heh

(Sally on the other end)- bye blue

(Sally hangs up the phone)

(Sally hangs up the phone)

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(Sally smiles)

(Amy's house)

(Amy's room)

Amy- this outfit is good enough

Rosy- nice sis have you talked to shadow?

Amy- now that you mention him no maybe he didn't want to go today you know that he hates party's

Rosy- true well sis I'm going to get the car ready

Amy- ok

Amy- wait Rosy

Rosy- yea?

Amy- never mind it can wait

Rosy- ok

(Amy and Rosy drove to Sonic's house)

(Uncle chucks house)

(Sonic, Sonia,Manic sit on the couch bored)

(Sally comes in)

Sally- hey

Sonic- you made it

Sally- yea where's everybody else?

Sonic- their not her yet

Sally- oh well I'm sure they will be here soo (Sally gets cut off from the knock at the door)

Sonia- I'll get it

(Rouge,knuckles,Tails,cream come in)

Sonia- hi you guys welcome to the party 🎊

Rouge- thank you darling💗

Sonic- hey buddy

Tails- hey sonic who's this

Sonic- oh this is Sally

Sally- it's nice to meet you

Tails- you to

(There was another knock at the door)

Sonic- I'll get that

(Sonic opens the door)

Sonic- Amy!

(Amy and Rosy come in)

Amy- hey sonic

Sonic- you look beautiful uhh I mean nice heh

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Sonic- you look beautiful uhh I mean nice heh

(Amy giggles)

Amy- thank you

Sally- sonic?

(Amy hears a voice)

Amy- um sonic

Sonic- oh sal come over here

Sally- ok

(Sally comes over to Amy and sonic)

Amy- oh um

Sonic- is something wrong?

Amy- no nothing at all

(Amy's thoughts)- she's here! Great!

Sonic- Amy?

Amy- hmm?

Sonic- this is Sally

Amy- oh hi nice to meet you

Sonic- Sally this is Amy

Sally- hello Amy

Sonic- you can go get food over there or a drink if you want

Amy- ok thanks sonic

(Blaze,silver come to the door)

Manic- hey you guys come in

Sonic- everyone's here good

Sonia- should we start karaoke 🎤

Sonic- yea let's do it

Sonia- everyone time to do some karaoke 🎤

Hey everyone thanks for reading just to let you guys know that there will be 3 parts of party Time also I will have a anoucment to tell but for now tune in for chapter 23 part 2 party time.

The picture was from Google images.

The second picture from Google images.

The third picture from Google images.

The fourth picture from Google images.

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