New Beginnings 💛

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(At the church)

Amy- princess?

Knight of pink Rose kingdom- Princess Amelia come with me

Amy- I'm not a princess!

Knight of pink Rose kingdom- looks like you don't really know where you come from do you princess

Amy- huh?

Knight of pink Rose kingdom- *ahem* please welcome King Arthur of pink Rose kingdom

( King Arthur comes in)

(Amy sees King Arthur and has tears in her eyes )

Amy- dad?!

King Arthur- Amelia?!

Amy- dad it's you

(Amy runs to her father and hugs him)

King Arthur- my beautiful princess your back

Amy- princess why do you keep saying that

King Arthur- Amelia honey you are a princess your royalty

Amy- what about Rosy?

King Arthur- Rosy's here?

(Amy nods her head)

(King Arthur sees rosy and runs up to her to hug her and has tears in his eyes)

King Arthur- Rosy darling it's been so long I have seen  you

Rosy- father?

King Arthur- yes it's me

Rosy- father!

(Rosy and Arthur hug with tears in both of thier eyes Arthur and Rosy open thier arms for Amy to hug to)

(Amy hugged them back with tears)

Amy- I'm so glad your back

Aleena- wait hold on a minute what about the wedding?!

Sonic- mother the wedding is cancelled

Sonic- I think I know who my love really is

(Sonic walks to Amy and her family)

Rosy- hey sis I think someone's coming 😏

Amy- huh?

(Rosy turns Amy around to see sonic walking up to Amy)

(Rosy turns Amy around to see sonic walking up to Amy)

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