Chapter 11 The Deal

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Hey everyone hope you like today's chapter this chapter may be a bit crazy but hope you enjoy it💜

Chapter 11 The Deal

(Twinkle park)

Shadow- what are you doing here!

Eggman- well I came to get something of mine 

Shadow- like what!

Eggman- like a necklace perhaps

Shadow- necklace?

Shadow- why a necklace

Eggman- well you see it has a jewel 💎 that's a.....

( shadow realizes)

Shadow- A chaos emerald

Eggman- wow you catch up fast like your friend Maria

Shadow- MARIA!!!

Shadow- don't talk about her leave Maria out of this!

Eggman- ok I'll make a deal with you

Shadow- what kind of deal?

Eggman- don't worry no one gets hurt in this

Shadow- what's the deal

Eggman- you know the person that has the necklace and pink hedgehog and where's a red dress?

Shadow- you mean Amy

Eggman- that's her I want you to get that necklace from her or

Shadow- or what?

Eggman- or I'll erase the girls memory

Shadow- NO!

Eggman- then do you agree with Are Deal shadow the hedgehog?

( with sonic)

Sonic- ok tails you found anything

Tails- um no you?

Sonic- nope

Sonic- how about you Manic

Manic- hold up

Manic- what's this

Manic- oh whoops nevermind just a piece of chip

Sonic- bro stop looking for food

Manic- I am hungry

Sonic- heh let's go back to uncle chucks to get a snack

Tails- Alright

Manic- yes! I'm starving

( with Sonia)

Sonia- ok here's some snacks

Amy- thanks

Sonia- No problem

Sonia- so what happened exactly?

Amy- ok here's where it starts

30 minutes

Sonia- um wow that's

Amy- yes a lot to take in

Sonia- but I have one question

Amy- yea?

Sonia- do you love sonic❤️

Amy- that's what I'm trying to find out

Sonia- oh ok

( Sonia and Amy hear a sound)

Sonia- stay here!

Sonia- who's there

Sonic- it's me sonic

( Sonia opens the door)

Sonia- don't scare me like that again

Sonic- why would we scare you?

Sonia- um uhh oh because there could be a intruder

Sonic- oh right sorry sis

Sonia- it's fine

Sonia- did you find her

Sonic- not yet we come back because someone was hungry

( everyone stares at Manic)

Manic- what why's everyone looking at me?

Sonia/Sonic/Tails-hahahaah hahahah hahahahah

( Amy stares at sonic laughing)

(Amy's thoughts)- awww he looks so cute when he laughs❤️

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(Amy's thoughts)- awww he looks so cute when he laughs❤️

Amy- huh?

Amy- It's glowing dark purple

Amy- what's happening?

Sonia- um well don't you guys need to keep searching

( Amy's thoughts)- I can't stay here ethier

Sonic- your right ok we gotta go

Sonia- bye

( Sonia closes the door)

(Sonia go's upstairs)

Sonia- a note?

Amy's note: hey Sonia I wrote this note to say I can't be here but don't worry about me I'll be back soon I just have to do something see you when I get back, Love Amy Rose

Sonia- oh no I have to warn knuckles about this

( with silver)

( silver opens the bushes)

Silver- oh just some rocks

( silver notices shadow)

Silver- oh hey shadow did you find anything

Shadow- um huh? Oh no I did not

Silver- um by the way why did take so long?

Shadow- I had to deal with something real quick

Silver- oh ok

Silver- well let's go

Shadow- you go I'll be back

Silver- what shadow! Great!

( Amy's house)

Rosy- ok ok calm down

( silver enters)

Rosy- what happened? Where's shadow?

Silver- he said  he has business to deal with?

Rouge- hold up business?

Silver- well yea

Rouge- Eggman!

Rosy- who?

Rouge- oh nothing

Rouge- um Rosy I'll be back don't worry

Rosy- um ok

Rouge- shadow you better not have done anything stupid!

Hey everyone hope you loved this chapter tune in for chapter 12.

The picture I was from sonic x.

The second picture was from sonic x.

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