Chapter 33 The wedding

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Hey everyone I hope you enjoy today's chapter ❤️

(Uncle chucks house)

(Sonic's getting ready for the wedding sonia and Manic are to )

(Sonic looks in the mirror)

Sonic- well today's the big day heh

(Sonic had a sad face)

Sonia- hey bro what's wrong

Sonic- oh um nothing

(Sonic picks up the picture of him and Amy)

(Sonic picks up the picture of him and Amy)

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Sonia- hey are you ok?

Sonic- huh? Um yea sis I'm okay heh

Sonia- okay then

Sonia's thought- I know who my brother wants and that's Amy and he can't deny it he's more happy with her then Sally

Sonia- well um I'm going to go get some Flowers's

Sonic- why?

Sonia- for the bride duh

Sonic- oh yea ok sis

(Goes downstairs and calls Amy )

(Sonia calls Amy)

Amy answers: hello who is this?

Sonia answers back: it's Sonia

Amy answers: oh hey Sonia what's up?

Sonia answers: are you coming tonight

Amy answers: oh um I don't really know right now Rosy still has not really healed and she needs more rest so I think I'm going to stay here tonight but will see okay sonia

Sonia answers: oh um okay I hope you come someone would love to have you there

Amy answers: oh um who?

Sonia answers: your best friend that's who

Amy answers: oh sonic I don't know really

Sonia answers: come on please come please

Amy answers: okay fine I'll go

Sonia answers : yes! Okay where something nice okay see you there

Amy answers: bye Sonia

(Sonia hangs up)

Aleena- who was that sweetie?

Sonia- oh that was the man that u bought the bouquet of flowers 💐 from

Aleena- oh I have to go pick those up you stay here okay sonia

Sonia- okay mother

Sonia- now it's time for my plan to go into action

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