Chapter 9 The necklace

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Chapter 9 The necklace

( Twinkle park)

Amy- oh I'm hungry

Sonic- no problem I'll get us some chili cheese dogs

Amy- your still into those

Sonic- yea they are way past cool

Amy- hahahah your so funny

( Sonic smiles)

20 minutes later

Amy- I got to admit those were good

Sonic- told you!

Amy- I know

( sonic and Amy walk to Amy's house)

Amy- so uhh I'll see you later then

Sonic- uhh yea see ya Ames

( Amy gets hugged by sonic)

( Amy starts blushing 😊)

Amy- um yea bye

( Amy shuts the door)

Amy- heh wow

Rosy- what's the wow for?

Amy- nothing I'm going to talk to mother ok

Rosy- ok then

( Amy go's upstairs to her mothers bedroom)

Amy- hey mom

Rosetta- hi sweetie what's wrong is everything alright?

Amy- oh yea everything's good I just have a question?

Rosetta- what is it?

Amy- oh yea everything's good I just had a  question?

Rosetta- what is it ?

Amy- about this necklace what does the color purple mean

Rosetta- The color purple represents Love and your necklace is enchanted Amy

Amy- Really? Who used to have it?

Rosetta- I did my mother gave it to me when I met your father The color of that necklace was purple

Rosetta- My mother said there's a bad person looking for the necklace so she told me to keep it safe and never let it out of your sight she told me!

Rosetta- when you were born I passed it on to you

Amy- so that's how you and dad knew you guys were in love with each other

Rosetta- no me and your dad fell in love the moment we met each other ❤️ not just because of the necklace

Amy- oh

Amy- thanks mom❤️

Rosetta- your welcome my angel❤️

( Amy's room)

Amy- so my necklace is enchanted so does that mean I don't like Sonic it's just the necklace making me think so

Amy- but that smile it was like magic

( Amy sees Sonic's smile in her mind)

( Amy sees Sonic's smile in her mind)

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