Chapter 26 The Trip Trouble

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Hey everyone enjoy today's chapter will have some parts you missed from yesterday enjoy 😉

Chapter 26 The Trip Trouble

(Amy's room)

(Amy gets out of the shower in pjs)

(Amy sees her necklace on her desk and puts it on)

(Amy go's downstairs and sees sonic watching tv)

Amy- you hungry?

Sonic- huh? Oh yea

Amy- what do you want to eat then?

Sonic- do you have a pack of chips

(Amy throws the pack of chips at sonic)

Amy- there you go

Sonic- thanks oh Ames do you think you can get me a blanket

Amy- yea sure

(Amy's go's upstairs)

(Amy gets a blanket from a Covert)

Amy- here you go

Sonic- thanks

Amy- I'm going to bed night

Sonic- goodnight Ames

The next Day

(Amy's already dress and packing while sonic is making breakfast)

Amy- ok now time to make.......................

(Sonic's in the kitchen cooking)

Sonic- oh good your finished here I made us pancakes 🥞

(Amy takes the pancakes 🥞 )

Amy- I didn't know you could cook?

Sonic- my mother taught me

Amy- oh

(Amy takes a bite of the pancakes 🥞)

Amy- yum their delicious 😋

(Knock at the door)

(Amy opens it)

Tails- hey Amy and Sonic?

Cream- Mr. Sonic?

Tails- you guys are you guys dating?

Author- LOL 😂 back to the chapter

(Amy starts blushing embarrassed 😳)

Sonic- no buddy Amy just needed me here to keep an eye if that guy comes back

Amy- what's up Tails and Cream?

Tails- um Amy we might have to wait one day for the trip?

Amy- why?

Tails- The xTornado broke down and now I have to repair it

Amy- oh it's ok

Tails- ok anyway what do you want to do for now?

Sonic- why don't we go hang at the park for a bit

Tails- ok

Cream- fun

Amy- I guess we can

Sonic- alright let's go!

Space Ark

Eggman- hmmm yes this will do

Eggman- Shadow!

(Shadow appears)

Shadow- what do you want

Eggman- I want you to keep an eye on that Amy girl of yours

Shadow- Amy?

Shadow- what are you up to?

Eggman- just go check what that girl Rosy is doing!

Shadow- fine!

(The control Room)

Shadow- Rosy are you up?

Rosy- oh Shadow I've been up

Rosy- oh Shadow I've been up

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Rosy- Now what do you want!

Thanks for reading make sure to tune in for chapter 27 sorry if it was short tune in for chapter 27.

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