Chapter 23 Party 🎉Time part 2

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Chapter 23 Party 🎉 Time part 2

(Uncle chucks house)

Sonia- everyone time to do some karaoke 🎤

(Manic whispers to Sonia)- we don't have a speakers 🔊 🔊

Sonia- hold on everyone I will be right back

(Sonia and Manic go outside)

(Meanwhile with Rouge)

(Rouge calls shadow)

(Rouge on the phone)- shadow are you coming over or not

(Shadow on the other end)- I'm already on my way!

(Rouge on the other end)- well hurry your Rose 🌹 looks like she's not really having much fun

(Shadow on the other end)- well then I'll be there faster then

(Rouge on the other end)- well bye then shadow

(Shadow on the other end)- bye bat

(Rouge hangs up)

Rouge- well that was rude

(Amy walk torwards Rouge)

Amy- hey are you going to sing 🎤

Rouge- well of course are you?

Amy- I don't know

(Manic comes back)

Manic- hey everyone for now why don't we have a dance party 🎊

Everyone- yeah!!!

(Manic puts a song called location)

(Amy and Rouge were dancing)

(Blaze,silver,cream,Tails we're dancing)

Sonic- hey sal you want to go dance

Sally- I don't dance

Sonic- you don't well then

(Sonic pulls Sally's arm to the dance floor)

Sally- blue I said I don't dance

Sonic- well now you do

(Sonic starts dancing)

Sonic- come on it's fun

Sally- fine!

(Sonic and Sally start dancing and laughing)

(Amy sees Sally and sonic dancing)

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