Chapter 8 The surprise

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Hope you enjoy today's chapter enjoy💜

Chapter 8 The surprise

(Amy's room)

Amy- what does that mean?

(Amy gets a call from sonic)

Amy- on the phone- hello?

Sonic- oh hey Ames

Amy- how did you get my number?

Sonic- Tails gave it to me

Amy- oh ok but what do you want!

Sonic- can I pick you up at 4:00 I'll explain everything

Amy- ok I guess

Sonic- great I will pick you up at 4:00

Amy- wait where are we going

Sonic- It's a surprise ok got to go bye

Amy- um see you later then bye sonic

( meanwhile at shadow's)

Shadow- what am I going to do she seemed very upset

Sapphire- ugh shut up already I was having a good sleep!

Shadow- I don't care!

Sapphire- someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed

Sapphire- Anyway we have more important stuff to do right now

shadow- your right! I'll just call her later

( silver rings the doorbell)

Shadow- hey silver

Sapphire- hello silver

Silver- hey guys okay I have the parts here

Shadow- wait where's the last part?

Silver- oh dang it I forgot to get it from tails yesterday

Silver- shadow go get it from tails

Shadow- uggh fine!

( tails house)

Tails- ok almost finished and

Shadow- tails!

Tails- woah!

(Tails machine malfunctions)

Shadow- yikes sorry

Tails- ugh what do you want?

Shadow- I know you don't like me but silver told if you have one bolt

Tails- I do here but what for?

Shadow- I can't say

Tails-if that's all you want leave!

Shadow- ok ok I'll leave

( back at shadow's house)

Shadow- got it 

Silver- nice

Silver- now let's start building

(Amy's house)

Amy- I'll wear this

Amy- Rosy what do you think

Rosy- nice but what's it for?

( Sonic knocks on the door)

Amy- I'll get it

Amy- hey sonic

Sonic- hey Ames ready to go

Amy- um sure where are we going?

Sonic- can't say

( Twinkle park)

Sonic- ok are you ready to step out of the car

Amy- yes sonic I'm ready

Sonic- ok then

Sonic- here we are

Amy- were at twinkle park where we used to play at when we were little kids

Sonic- yes just like old times

( Amy hug's sonic)

Amy- um ok now can you tell me everything

Sonic- ok where do I start oh yea ok

Sonic- when we left we launched are music career but when 3 months passed The music producer put us on a 2 year contract that's why I couldn't come sooner

Sonic- I'm sorry

( Amy kisses sonic on the cheek)

Sonic- huh what was that for?

Amy- for being honest 💛

Sonic- heh❤️

Amy- why are you so red

Sonic- I'm not red I just have a sun burn from yesterday

Amy- oh really hmmmm

Amy-then how can you come today?

Sonic- because I would not leave my best friend ever again💛

Amy- Awwww Sonic thanks💗

Sonic- no problem ames❤️

Sonic- hey Ames you want to play are game that we used to play

Amy- you mean the one that I have to chase you

Sonic- that's the one

( someone spying on them)

Unknown- what do you think boss

Voices- hahaha slow down sonic, you got to run   faster Ames if you want to catch up with me

Unknown- I think we need to keep an eye on these two heh heh heh heh heh

TO BE continued.....

Hey everyone hope you liked today's chapter tell me in the comments who do you think it is? Tune in for chapter 9

The picture I got was from google images.

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