Rizzoli Baby.

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Maura's POV
Jane sat down on the bench in front of me at the yoga studio. "Maura. I've realized...that I need help, with the baby."
"Of course Jane. You know I would help you with anything."
"I know Maura, thank you." Jane smiled. Then her smile faded. "I...told Casey that you are going to help me raise the baby, that he doesn't have to be involved because he is to involved with the army."
"I bet that was hard...wait you went ahead and told Casey that I was going to help you?"
"Yeah. I didn't know what else to say. Because I kinda new you would already help me." I smiled at her and patter her knee. "Um ma'am. Are those yours" the woman standing behind me asked. "Umm....no."
"Well this isn't a shoe store. You don't just try on other peoples shoes."
Jane slipped off the heels. "I'm going to talk to a instructor." I looked back at Jane. "I'm not really feeling the shoe yoga tonight." she said. "Yeah let's go before they kick us out." Jane and I put on our shoes then went out the door quickly. We laughed as we walked out. "You want to go to the dirty robber." Jane offered. "Nah let's just go back to my house."
"Ok." Jane and I started down the street. "You know your a good friend Maura."
"So are you Jane, so are you." I wanted to be more than friends though. But Janes pregnant...and straight.... "earth to Maura."
"Sorry, what?"
"You zoned out."
"Sorry...." I took a sip of my water.
"So...When I told Casey that you were gonna help raise the baby, I kinda panicked because he kept asking why...so I told him we were a couple." I pretty much did a spit take and Jane laughed a bit. "You what?"
"I told Casey we are in a relationship."
"What did he say to that?"
"He kinda laughed a little then said that he doesn't want any part of me anymore."
"Aww Jane I'm sorry." I rubbed circles in her back. "It's fine. He was kinda a jerk about me waiting so long to tell him anyways."
"He doesn't deserve you Jane." I opened the door to my house and let Jane in.

Janes POV
Maura let me in her house and I stepped in. "You want to watch a movie Maura."
"Sure. What movie so you have in mind."
"Let's watch a scary movie."
"You know I don't like scary movies Jane...."
"This one isn't that scary."
"Well what is it?"
"Never heard of it, but I guess we can watch it." Only reason I want to watch a scary movie with Maura is because she always chickens out and hugs up to me. If it's not a scary movie she will just snuggle up close to my arm. We went to her room then crawled under the covers and I flipped on the movie. Then ma came busting in the room. "Hi girls how was yoga?"
"Jane got-" I cut Maura off.
"Some really good new yoga posses."
"That's great. So what y'all doing now?"
"About to watch a movie."
"Ok. Well I'll be in the living room." Ma walked out and I knocked Maura's shoulder with mine. "Don't tell her what I did. She'll tell every one at the station." Maura smirked at me then I started the movie back. After about 15 minuets in Maura was already latched around my waist, still trying to watch the movie. "You said this movie wasn't that scary!"
"I didn't remember it being this bad." I said. Maura rested her head on my chest. "Ehh." she screamed when a creature popped up on the screen. I chuckled a little and rubbed circles in her back. "Jane! Can we please watch a different movie?"
"I guess..." dang it. I went to the guide and started to search for another movie. Maura still staid latched to my waist as I searched for a different movie. I picked What to Expect When Your Expecting. Maura repositioned her self and snuggled closer to me. "Maura...?"
"Yes Jane."
"Do you think I will be a good mother?"
"With the right people helping you along the way, yes I think you will be."
"Do you think you will be a good mom."
"Someday, when I have a baby...I don't know really."
"I was talking about for this baby." I said resting my head on hers. "Huh...Jane I don't quiet follow."
"I'm in love with you Maura." I whispered into her honey blond hair. I saw a smiled for on Maura lips and she whispered. "I love you too Jane." Maura's arms wrapped back around my waist and she rested her head on my chest. I kissed the top of her head then put my arms around her.

Maura's POV
I snuggled up to Jane and sighed. She loves me.... I can't believe she actually loves me. Then Jane slipped her arm under my thighs and picked me up. "Jane!" I giggled. She sat me on her lap and I giggled. "Jane...." I said leaning back against her. "Hmm?"
"I love you so much."
"I love you too Maur." I looked back at her and smiled. Jane leaned closer and pressed her lips to mine. Jane slowly laid me down on the bed and I wrapped my arms around her neck. Jane sat up and sat on my thighs. I smiled at her. "We should get some sleep Jane." I laughed. "Ugh. You're such a buzzkill."
"I told you I'm not a buzzkill." I rolled over on top of her and pined her to the bed. "Well now you're not." She smiled and slipped her hands in my shirt. "Jane!" I slapped her wrist and she pulled her hand out. she grumbled and rubbed her wrist. She looked away from me and I smiled a little. "Ok...I'm sorry." I said sweetly as I leaned down and kissed her cheek. "Can we just get some sleep?"
"I guess...." I crawled off of Jane and laid next to her. I smiled over at her and kissed her cheek again. "Good night Janie."
"Night Maur."

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