Dominick Donovan Haywood! You're in deep ....

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Today was my six-week checkup. The doctor wanted to make sure everything was fine with me and my recovery. Dom was on edge. I think he was afraid the doctor would say a few more weeks.

I went in for my checkup. Everything healed and looked good. The doctor gave me a clean bill of health, and I could resume normal activities.

I had some fun with Dom. That might have been a bad idea. That's what he gets for getting caught in the act.

I walked out of the doctor's office and looked at him, "What? What is it?"

I sighed. "Doctor said a few more weeks."

His eyes popped out, and he said, "What?"

"Yep. Sorry," I shrugged as I walked away. I know it was a dirty trick, but Dom deserved it. Trying to blame me for the fact he was a horny bastard. Sheesh.

We drove home, and he didn't say much. I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" He spoke with slight irritation.

"Nothing." I shrugged.

He kept driving until I burst out laughing. He slammed on the breaks.

"Have you lost your mind?"

"No," I giggled.

"Then what is it?"

"The fact you believed me that no nookie for another two weeks," I snickered.

He stared at me, then looked ahead and started driving. I tried to talk to him, but he seemed a little miffed. I had a feeling this was going to be a silent night at home.


We pulled in, and as soon as he cut the engine, he got out without saying a word. Seriously?

I got out and went inside. I watched Dom walk up the stairs. Oh, this is ridiculous. It was a joke. He needs to lighten up.

I followed him and went to our bedroom. The minute I entered the room, he pulled me to him and slammed his lips into mine. Okay, maybe he wasn't mad.

His kiss was hungry yet passionate, and I didn't hesitate to kiss him back. I think my plan backfired big time.


Dom's POV

I was a little miffed at Kami for her "joke," but at that moment, something ignited in me. I wanted to feel every inch of her body. I wanted to kiss every inch. We quickly made work of removing our clothes until I picked her up and carried her to bed.

She wrapped her legs around my waist as I kept my lips against hers, keeping in sync with them. I found her entrance and slipped inside. She let out a gasp, so I took it slow.

I thrust in and out of her as she got into a rhythm with me. As soon as she moved, I picked up the pace. I missed being this intimate with her.

We continued until we both found our release. Not thinking because my brain took a siesta, I released inside of Kami with no protection. It should be fine. I mean, what are the chances of her getting pregnant again? Right?


It had been a month since I forgot about the protection. After that day, I wore it. I mean, it was one time. The heat of the moment if you will.

Things were going well, that was until I heard her yell, "Dominick Donovan Haywood! You're in deep shit!" That can't be good as I stood up from the couch.

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