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  "I'm not letting you see my 'bits and bobs', Jiminie

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  "I'm not letting you see my 'bits and bobs', Jiminie."

  "But I've already seen them! What difference does it make? Pleaseee?" Jimin put his best puppy eyes on display, trying his best to get the caregiver to comply to hid wish.

  "I can't see yours, so it isn't exactly fair that you get to see mine, is it?"

  Ever since the two males stepped inside the bathroom and got stripped off their clothes (except for their underwear), Jimin had insisted on Yoongi letting him see his 'prince parts'.

  Normally, he wouldn't have any issues with this. As far as Yoongi could tell, Jimin was in a childlike mindset and this probably was nothing more than Jimin showing a child's curiosity. Though in the end, he denied.

  Why not tease Jimin a little? As long as he didn't got too far, it wouldn't matter. The aftermath of this situation wasn't what Yoongi had expect. Well, he wasn't sure what exactly he'd been expecting, but surely it hadn't been this.

  Jimin yanked down his tiger boxers with a wild blush spreading across his face, and of course, Yoongi looked there. "See? N-now you can show me yours too!" But there was no way the blond would be able to what was ahead of him, for his eyes were shut tightly due to the shame he felt.

  After maintaining his gaze on Jimin's prince parts for a moment, Yoongi shook his head to snap himself out of it. He hadn't turned red, but his ears had acquired a light shade of pink. He walked towards Jimin and took his own boxers off.

  "You shouldn't have done that if you didn't feel comfortable with it, sweet pea."

  "A-am just shy, that's all."

  Yoongi took his hand and led him to the tub, conscious of Jimin's eyes, which were fixed on his rear. The younger took a pink monster Lush bath bomb and dropped it into the water with a loud splash, stepping in it just as loudly.  

  "Get into the tub more carefully Minnie, we don't want too much water to fall out of the tub."

  "Sorry daddy!" Jimin said as he pressed his back against Yoongi's bear chest. The older tensed up at the action, because being completely honest, Jimin's rear was a little too close to his bits and bobs. "Will you wash my hair?" He threw back his head and smiled. But, instead of wearing one if his sweet, innocent smiles, it was mischievous one. The little shit knew what he was doing.

  Fine. If he wanted to play like that, then do be it. The game was on. "Of course." He answered, placing his chin on Jimin's shoulder. Yoongi's hot breath fanned against his neck whilst his veiny hands trailed down the younger's stomach. He tickled Jimin's sides, getting a few giggles and 'stop!'s out of the younger.

  Oh, but then, he placed his hands too close to Jimin's bits and bobs, a yelp slipping out of the younger's lip. He moved his hands downwards, down, down, down... and then back up before they could get into contact with Jimin's member.

  Jimin seemed to be about to complain, but Yoongi didn't allow it, for as soon as the little was about to open his mouth, he started running his soapy hands through the golden locks, squirting apple scented shampoo on them.

  "You're such a meanie," Jimin whispered, and Yoongi laughed.

Yoongi was about to drift off to dreamland when there was a sudden knock on his door. "Come in," he answered in a groggy voice.

Jimin stepped inside, eyes puffy and red. "I-I had a nightmare again. Can I sleep with you tonight?"

"You know you're always welcome to sleep with me baby, come on." Jimin smiled in relief and slipped under the sheets. Yoongi, too, had a king sized bed, so space was nothing to worry about. Still, the were slept side by side, practically glued together.

Yoongi rubbed soothing circles on Jimin's back, who's hands were pressed against the older's chest. He started humming a lullaby with his deep voice, but Jimin stopped him before he could finish saying "I don' wanna sleep yet."

"Then, do you mind if I ask you something?" The other nodded. "Why did you choose me as your caregiver? Out of all people, why me? We both know that I'm not the best at taking care of you, even though I try. And I'll probably just keep messing up."

"T-that's because... because daddy cares about Minnie. When other people said they wanted to be my caregiver, they were always mean to me behind my back."

"Mean? What did they do?

"I always heard them say I was weird and a freak... that they only wanted the easy money. And as soon as they got what they wanted, they left." He trailed off, pressing his head on the older's chest. After a moment, he continued. "B-but you're not like that, I don't think you are. I think daddy's nice. And sweet."

"Jimin, look at me," he did. "You're probably one of the greatest people I've ever met, and I don't know how stupid the people before me were to not be able to see that. But in a way, I'm glad they were stupid enough to let you go, because now I have you, and you have me. You're my little baby boy."

Before Yoongi could fully process what was happening, Jimin's plump lips pressed against his. Neither of their lips were parted, so it was more of a peck, but it was enough to make Yoongi's heart beat 10 times faster.

And in a way, he hated it. Kissing was something he did so often that it seemed as natural as breathing. He'd do it for fun, for the pleasure. Empty pleasure.

But with a simple peck, Jimin got his heart to beat much faster. God, what was it with this kid?

Jimin backed away, cheeks completely red. "A-am sorry daddy, was that bad? Is that something good boys aren't supposed-"

And then Yoongi kisses him. Maybe he'd been wanting to do that more than he thought, because he simply couldn't pull away, even when his brain told him big Jimin may not like this. Especially after "the incident".

This time, Jimin parted his lips slightly to deepen the kiss. It only lasted a few seconds, but it was more than enough to leave the two dazzled at their own actions.

The ravenette looked into the blonde's chocolate eyes intently and the other returned the gesture, neither of them said anything for a while. "Let's just... sleep, alright? Sweet dreams, baby."

Jimin didn't answer, instead, he wrapped his arms around the older's torso. And this, this was the beginning of something new.

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