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  Little Jimin squirmed in his daddy's arms nonstop

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  Little Jimin squirmed in his daddy's arms nonstop. No matter how hard he tried to silence his thoughts, they refused to shut down and allow him the sleep he so desperately wanted. 

  "Are you okay, baby?" Yoongi asked hoarsely while pushing his little's hair back. Jimin nodded weakly. "Doesn't Minnie need anything? Maybe a glass of warm milk to help him sleep?"

  The blond looks away and fidgets with his hands. "With honey?," he whispers, which has Yoongi smiling.

  "If that's what Minnie wants, then yes, with honey."

  He takes his little's hand and helps him get out of bed. Jimin yawns; it's already way past his bedtime and he's completely worn out.

  On their way to the kitchen, Jimin stumbles upon many cardboard boxes that are still lying around from the move. Not even half of the things they brought with them are out of the box. Until a few days ago, they didn't even have a bed installed in their bedroom, they'd been sleeping on a mattress on the floor.

  Eventually, Jimin trips over one of the boxes and bruises his knee, which of course has him wailing loudly whilst Yoongi tries to comfort him.

"I-It hurts!" Jimin whines, grasping Yoongi's hand and basically crushing his bones.

"I know, Baby, but don't worry, Daddy will make it feel better" He pushes up Jimin's leg and plants a chaste kiss on the little's knee, who sniffles loudly and rubs his sleepy eyes while mumbling a thanks. "Now, be a good boy for Daddy let him get you your milk with honey."

  "Minnie can do that, he can be a good boy," he nods to himself and lets Yoongi walk him downstairs to the kitchen. 

  Jimin hops onto the marble counter and looks down at his dangling legs, pouting. "Now Minnie's legs look ugly."

  "That's not true," Yoongi says, handing the little his sippy cup. When Jimin brings the cup to his lips and starts sucking on the pink spout with a delighted hum, Yoongi finds himself smiling, thinking of the first time he cared for Jimin.

  "Every part of Minnie always looks pretty," Jimin smiles at the compliment, bitting down on the spout. "But if you really don't like it, we can cover it up with a bandaid." 

  The little nods enthusiastically, happy with the idea, but his features soon contort into a frown as he keeps the spout trapped between his teeth.

  "Is something wrong?" Yoongi asks, hopping onto the counter to sit besides Jimin.

  Jimin looks up at Yoongi and looks away before shaking his head.

  "You said you'd be a good boy for Daddy, didn't you?," the little nods. "Then why is Minnie lying? Good boys don't lie."

  Hesitating, Jimin pulls his mouth away from the spout with a small 'pop' and pouts. "Because I know Daddy's jus' gonna worry about Minnie, and I don't want to worry him."

  The older sighs softly before taking Jimin into his arms and sitting him on his lap. "You know you can tell me anything, Baby. Daddy can't take care of you if he doesn't know what you need, so please be good and tell him what's going on, hm?"

  Jimin looks at him sideways before pursing his lips and giving a weak nod. "Minnie is just nervous because he's coming here soon, and Minnie doesn't wanna fight again. Fighting makes Minnie feel bad."

  Yoongi's eyes land on Jimin's fiddling fingers and he proceeds to the little's hand into his own.

  "Well, Minnie doesn't need to worry, because everything will be just fine. Daddy's going to help him with anything he needs. I'll be right my baby's side, if that's what he wants."


  Yoongi hooks their pinkies together. "Promise"

    Jimin doesn't recall ever caring much about his father's opinions, which is why he himself was surprised when he noticed how big of a fuss he was making over his father's visit. 

  He probably wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't been for Yoongi's response when he asked how the house looked for the tenth time that day.

  "For the hundredth time, Jimin, everything looks fine. You don't need to keep fluffing the pillows or sweeping the floor. All your toys are stored away in their boxes, so don't worry about him seeing anything little space related.

  "And," he went on, "I've made you two some orange rolls. Just serve him some coffee and he'll be satisfied with our hospitality." He makes a gesture with his hand and just out his chin. "In no time, people will start to think of us as 'the friendly gay down the street couple who make sweets for their guests'."

  Jimin snorts and looks at his boyfriend in disbelief. "Seriously?"

  "What? Every neighborhood is supposed to have a nice gay couple, right?"

  Jimin shakes his head and smiles at him. "You're unbelievable."

  The male with jet-black hair leans in and presses a soft kiss to his boyfriend's lips. "Everything will be fine, you'll see," he whispers, his forehead pressed against Jimin's.

  Jimin hooks his arms around the back of Yoongi's necks. "Aren't you at least a little nervous about meeting your father-in-law?," he teases.

  "I don't know, should I be?"

  Just as Jimin parts his lips to answer, the doorbell rings and the two pull away form each other. Jimin practically jumps off the couch and looks around the place one last time before rushing to open the door.

  The blond swings the door open and stares into his father's eyes. For a few seconds, the air between them hangs heavy with an uncomfortable silence until Jimin clears his throat and offers the man to come in.

  Hesitant, Mr. Park steps inside and walks a few steps past Jimin, gazing around the place. His eyes then landed on the black piano on the left side of the living room. It was placed by two tall windows which were above two glass doors that lead to the backyard. 

  "I didn't know you played the piano," he started, but was soon cut off by Yoongi.

  "He doesn't, but I do," said Yoongi. Mr.Park hadn't noticed he was seated on the beige sofa on the other side of the room.

  Although Jimin's father was both older and slightly taller than Yoongi, he seemed to shrink a little in his place when the latter started over towards him and his son. Jimin tried to fight back the smirk that formed on hiss lips at the thought of his father being intimidated by Yoongi. Apparently, he hadn't forgotten how the two first met.

  "I don't think I've introduced myself properly yet. Min Yoongi." He held out his hand and Mr. Park shook it.

  With the greetings out of the way, the uncomfortable silence filled the room again.

  This time, it was Yoongi the one who cleared his throat to break the silence. "So, is anyone hungry?"

  It was gonna be a long afternoon.

A/N: so this story sucks oof

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