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     The three males sat down and spent the next few minutes eating mostly in silence, which was only disrupted by small talk that once out of the way left behind an even more uncomfortable silence

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     The three males sat down and spent the next few minutes eating mostly in silence, which was only disrupted by small talk that once out of the way left behind an even more uncomfortable silence. Occasionally, Jimin would look up at his boyfriend, who wasn't even trying to mask his disrelish towards Mr. Park. The latter would squirm in his seat every few seconds.

  It was only fifteen minutes later that Jimin's father cleared his throat and made the couple focus their attention on him.

  "I would like to speak to my son alone. Please," he adds reluctantly. Yoongi eyes the two before receiving a nod from Jimin and standing up. 

  As he walks past Jimin, Yoongi drops his hand on the blond's shoulder and gives him a reassuring squeeze before starting over to the glass doors that lead to the living room.

  The air hangs heavy between Jimin and his father and neither of them say a word; the only noise being heard is the soft rustle of leaves. Then finally, after what could've been about five minutes or an eternity, Mr. Park slid a hand into one of the pockets of his suit and fished out a small turquoise box.

  He looked up at his son and said "There's so many things I regret not doing, Jimin, but what tops off the list is not being the father you deserved. I'm sorry I never reached out to you until recently, but honestly, I didn't have the guts to do it.

  "I'm a coward," he stated. "And I know no amount of apologies or gifts will ever be enough for you to forgive me, and I know that whatever excuse I give you will be nothing but crap."

  He then held out the turquoise box to Jimin, his voice thick with an emotion Jimin couldn't quite decipher and his eyes glimmering with anticipation. Perhaps there was a shadow of guilt swimming in there, too.

  "I want you to have this, Jimin." Jimin looked at his father with a quirk brow and tilted his head to the side.

  "What- what is this?" Jimin asked as he took off the lid of the small box.

  Inside it was a thin gold necklace, a golden ring hung from it as a pendant.

  "That was one of your mom's favorite rings," Mr. Park said while a sad smile found its way onto his lips. "In fact, it myself gave it to her."

Jimin looked back and forth from the ring to his father, dumbfound. After his mother's death, Jimin's father would rarely (if ever) mention her. At some point, he had even moved into a different room just to avoid the belongings of his defunct wife. Anyhow, he was never around the house too much to begin with.

  The blond took the necklace into his hands and twirled it around his little fingers, the gold material glittering under the sunlight that filtered through the leaves.

  "Are you sure you want me to have this?" was the first thing that left Jimin's mouth after yet another moment of silence. 

  His father nodded. "I think she would want you to have it."

  The slightly faded memory of his mother's face pops into Jimin's head, making his heart ache a little. "I miss her," he admits.

  Mr. Park purses his lips into a thin line. "She would've been happy to know you how your life is going. Happy to know you've found someone you love, that Yoongi guy, he seems to care a lot about you." Jimin couldn't fight back a fond smile at the mention of his boyfriend's name. "Though I bet she'd be disappointed in me."

  Jimin scoffs. "You think?"

  His father heaves a sigh. "I don't expect you to forgive me anytime soon, if you ever decide to forgive me, that is," he adds. "But would you please... would you consider attending my wedding? You could bring your boyfriend, if you'd like."

  "Would you even care if I missed it?" Jimin accidentally blurts out. Never had he wanted to slap himself across the face more.

  "Of course I would," his father replies with wide eyes, indignant, as if the sole thought of his Jimin missing his wedding is outrageous. "You're my son, after all," his features soften a little and he gives Jimin a lopsided smile.

  "Right," Jimin whispers, as if he's forgotten already that this man is his father. He clears his throat. "Well, it was... nice seeing you today, but I have to be somewhere in like half an hour, so I'll show you out now."

  Liar, said the squeaky voice inside Jimin's head, and Jimin almost told it to 'go away' out loud.

  Jimin grunted as he threw himself down on the bed he shared with his boyfriend, who was already expecting him. 

  "You okay?" Yoongi asked as Jimin covered his face with his hands. 

  Then came a muffled "Yes but also no," from Jimin.

  "Wanna talk about it?" Jimin dropped his hands to his side and shook his head. Yoongi placed left hand on top of Jimin's right one and linked their fingers.

  "It's nothing you haven't heard before. 'Daddy issues' and stuff." The words roll off his tongue so easily, yet they leave behind an awful taste. "Could be worse, really." He adds, telling this more to himself than he is to Yoongi.

  Yoongi just looks at him like he always does whenever Jimin cries or has nightmares. It almost makes the blond's stomach churn.

  "Don't look at me like you pity me," he pouts (unconsciously).

  Yoongi bites back a smile and pulls Jimin close. "I'm sorry," he kisses his boyfriend's head. "I just want you to be happy, that's all."

  "But I am happy. Being with you now makes me happy."

  Yoongi giggles, and Jimin's heart fucking melts, like he wasn't just having the worst internal struggle ever moments ago.

  "You know what'd be nice now, though? Watching Brother Bear or Robbin-" he cuts himself off with a yawn. "A nap would be nice too, I guess."

  Yoongi smiles at his boyfriend. "Let me get you a set of pajamas and it's a date."

A/N: just wanted to say hi uwu


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