Decisions, Decisions...

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(Song of the scene is up above!)


Jasmine comes out of the Admissions office, with Zoe standing by the door.

Zoe: So what did they say?

Jasmine: They said the reason you got kicked off... was because they found out you don't have GCSE Art.

Zoe's eyes widen.

Zoe: What? You're joking.

Jasmine: No joke. Here - I have the course requirements for Textiles and Fashion.

She shows them to her.

It says you need GCSE Art at a Grade 6.

Zoe: But they never even told me in the first place!

Jasmine: I agree; they should have made that clear.

Zoe: So what do I do now?

Jasmine: Well, they said you can either go to one of their partner colleges and take GCSE Art...

Zoe: Which I am NOT doing because that is long.

Jasmine: Or you can choose another subject... providing that you have the grade requirements. What do you think you could do with your GCSEs?

Zoe: Erm... I could tell you, but I think we'll need a computer. Library?

Jasmine: Lead the way.

They exit towards the library.

Absolutely CANDI: Episode 3 - Moving ImagesWhere stories live. Discover now