(Song of the scene is up above!)
Zoe and the rest of the group have returned to college.
Zoe is holding the necklace in her hand. She walks ahead of everyone else, who are all walking and talking.
Quinn goes to her.
Quinn: Zoe!
Zoe: Yeah?
Quinn: The exhibition.
Zoe: What about it?
Quinn: Well... we missed it. And that means we haven't got any textile pictures.
Zoe pauses as she realises what this means.
Zoe: I know.
Charli joins them.
Charli: I'm really sorry, Zoe. I really wanted this to work out for you.
Zoe: I know. You always wanted the best for me.
They both hug for a while.
Charli: Ugh, I don't want you to go!
Zoe: Don't worry. We'll always see each other outside of class.
Quinn: Yeah.
Zoe: But for now, this is more important.
She looks down at the necklace.
Charli: Right. Let's give this back.
They walk inside the college, where they see Jasmine, Coral and Kyron, along with the Textiles and Fashion teacher.
Coral sees Zoe holding the necklace.
Zoe walks towards her.
Zoe: Hey... is this yours?
Coral: Yes... yes! Where did you find it?
Craig: Your thief bumped into us earlier. Well, me, anyway.
Zoe gives her the necklace.
Coral: Thank you so, so much. You have no idea how grateful I am.
Zoe: Don't mention it. I'm just glad you have your happy ending.
The teacher swoops into the conversation.
Teacher: Well, guess what, Zoe - you're about to receive your happy ending!
Zoe: What?
Teacher: We were able to find a statement of compatibility through the artwork you did on Taster Day. It was magnificent! Definitely the sort of talent I need in my class.
Zoe's eyes widen.
Zoe: Wait... so that means-
Teacher: Yes, yes - you're back in!
Zoe squeals and hugs both Craig and Charli tightly.
Zoe: I can't believe it! I'm back in!
Teacher: Yes, dear. I expect great things from you. Be back at Tuesday morning next week.
Zoe: I will! Thank you!
The teacher leaves.
Can you believe it? I'm back in!
Quinn: Yay! Now I can take all these pictures off my camera and free up space!
Charli: Glad everything worked out for you after all, Zoe.
Coral: And, erm - I got my necklace back!
Charli: Yep - it's a good day for all of us...
Kyron stands up.
Kyron: Except me.
Jasmine: Why?
Kyron: This is my last week. I'm leaving after this week.
Caspian: Where you going?
Kyron: Er, football scholarship, remember?
Craig: What team?
Kyron: West Ham.
Craig: Oh. Cool, then. I mean... if you said Arsenal, I would have been proper gassed, but...
Kyron chuckles.
Kyron: Aye, I'm joking - of course I'm going Arsenal!
Both Craig and Kyron cheer. Charli rolls her eyes.
Charli: Football fans are weird.
Coral: Hey, do you guys wanna go grab something to eat?
Zoe: Took the words out my mouth! Let's go find somewhere nice!
Charli: Yeah!
They all leave the common area, except for Raeni, Christopher and Kwabena.
Kwabena: Christopher?
Christopher: Yeah?
Kwabena: Did we all seriously just stand there and listen to people talk without saying anything?
Christopher: I could ask you that question...
Raeni: See, this is the problem with large friendship groups. The circumference of the spotlight can't accommodate the people trying to be in it.
Christopher: What?
Raeni: Maths joke. Let's go follow them!
Kwabena: OK, I'm hungry anyway.
The three all leave the common area.
Absolutely CANDI: Episode 3 - Moving Images
Teen FictionWhen Zoe is kicked out of her Textiles and Fashion class for not having GCSE Art; she and Charli create a portfolio of pictures with the help of a new student. Meanwhile, Christopher tries to help the new girl get used to college life.