Zoe's Choice

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(Song of the scene is up above!)


Zoe and Jasmine are at a computer in the library.

Zoe: Are you sure this is a good idea, Jasmine?

Jasmine: Yeah. Of course.

She types on the keyboard and clicks the mouse.

Now - with your grades, this website can tell you what A Levels you can do. Let's see what it says!

Zoe: OK.

Caspian enters the library and joins them.

Jasmine: I see someone got tired of causing trouble in the neighbourhood...

Caspian: I came here to revise, actually, Jasmine.

Jasmine: Really? This is the first time I've ever seen you in here.

Caspian: Yeah - the first time YOU'VE ever seen me in here. I don't have a clue what you were thinking, but I didn't come to sixth form for the sake of it.

Zoe interrupts the conversation.

Zoe: Jasmine! The website?

Jasmine is reminded of what she was doing on the computer.

Jasmine: Oh, yeah! Let's have a look.

All of them crowd around the computer.

You can do... History of Art, Sociology, Film Studies-

Zoe's eye is caught by a certain topic.

Zoe: I can do Physics?

Jasmine: Oh - you can! You have the grades for it.

Zoe: I didn't know that. Is Physics hard?

Caspian: Zoe. It's Physics.

Zoe hesitates at the thought of choosing Physics.

Jasmine: Don't let this one scare you from doing Physics, Zoe. Just because it's hard doesn't mean it's impossible. I mean, look at me! I'm doing Biology and Chemistry!

Zoe: And how are you finding those?

Jasmine laughs.

Jasmine: Please - this isn't about me.

Caspian: Which means 'I'm failing terribly.'

Jasmine hits him with her jacket.

The librarian shushes them.

Zoe: Sorry.

Jasmine: Alright, then - on second thoughts - maybe you should do Physics. Maybe you'll prove Caspian wrong. He seems to think you can't do it for some reason.

Caspian: Woah - I didn't say that!

Jasmine: You were hinting at it.

Caspian: I-

Jasmine: You know, girls can do science too. Physics isn't just a boys' subject.

Caspian is now extremely perplexed by what she has said. He tries to speak.

Caspian: I... I didn't... I didn't-

Jasmine interrupts him.

Jasmine: Haven't you got Maths to be revising?

Zoe laughs.

Zoe: Jasmine, allow the boy. He wasn't trying to be sexist. He was just laying down the truth about Physics.

Jasmine: To be honest - I know. I just like annoying him. It's just bants.

Caspian hears and interrupts her. He smirks slightly as he speaks.

Caspian: That wasn't funny.

Zoe: She wasn't being serious, Caspian. But I am.

Caspian: What do you mean?

Zoe: I mean... I'm gonna take A Level Physics?

Caspian and Jasmine both stare at her.

Jasmine: Are you sure?

Zoe: Does this answer your question?

She presses the 'CONFIRM' button, changing her A Level options.

Jasmine: Alright, then - I need to go now, but what's done is done. Hope you like working.

Caspian: Hey, what happened to 'Oh, Physics isn't just for boys! Girls can do anything!'?

Jasmine: That principle still stands. It's just... some people take it harder than others.

Caspian stares at her.

Caspian: You are the biggest hypocrite in the world, Jasmine.

Jasmine: But that's why you're my friend, right?

She ruffles his hair as she leaves. Zoe stares back at the computer; wondering if she has made the right choice.

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