(Song of the scene is up above!)
Zoe, Charli and Quinn are in their Textiles and Fashion class, designing their own motifs.
They are working in silence.
Charli: (whispering) Psst. Hey!
Zoe looks up.
Nice to have you back, bestie.
Zoe: Aww!
Zoe lightly puts her hand on Charli's arm as she draws.
Quinn: So what did you guys do for your motifs?
Charli presents her design to Zoe and Quinn.
Charli: I made this blue and black heart. Because... I like the colour blue, and... well, I just think it fits me well.
Quinn: Zoe?
Zoe: I drew this!
She shows them a picture of a tower, consisting of different coloured layers.
This is my Unity Tower. It's supposed to represent how, despite our differences, we are all under one roof and we're all in this together.
Charli: Nice. What did you do, Quinn?
Quinn: Prepare yourself.
Quinn shows the two a drawing of a McDonald's meal.
Zoe: You drew McDonald's?
Quinn: Yeah. Because... this burger here is one of my favourites... and also, I like the burger sauce they do... and, well... I'm pretty much always hungry, so... yeah.
Zoe and Charli stare at each other.
Charli: That is such a mood. I love it!
Quinn: Thanks!
They all laugh together at the table.
Absolutely CANDI: Episode 3 - Moving Images
Teen FictionWhen Zoe is kicked out of her Textiles and Fashion class for not having GCSE Art; she and Charli create a portfolio of pictures with the help of a new student. Meanwhile, Christopher tries to help the new girl get used to college life.