Landmarks and Patterns

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(Song of the scene is up above!)


Zoe, Charli, Quinn and Craig, along with Raeni and Christopher, are walking through South Bank.

Raeni: So what are you supposed to be taking pictures of exactly?

Charli: We're taking pictures for our- I mean Zoe's portfolio.

Raeni: That didn't answer my question.

Charli: What?

Raeni: I asked what you were taking pictures of.

Zoe: Well...

Quinn: Our theme is London. But... I'm not sure what they asked for.

Raeni: Right.

Charli: What would they want us to take pictures of?

Zoe: I don't know!

Quinn: Guys, think! What is Textiles and Fashion about?

They all struggle to think.

Raeni: Perhaps I could help?

Charli: Please.

Raeni: How about you take pictures of clothes? Like, outfits, street art, moquettes...

Zoe, Charli and Quinn all say 'Oh'.

Zoe: You two are so slow. I totally knew that.

Both Charli and Quinn roll their eyes.

And anyway, if you're looking for moquettes, I know just the place to go. Come on!

Zoe begins to take the lead while walking, but Charli stops her.

Charli: Wait!

Zoe: What?

Charli: Where's Craig? And Christopher?

Raeni: They were with us earlier...

Quinn: Where did they go?

Suddenly, Quinn sees Craig and Christopher among a huge crowd of people.

Wait! I see them! Come on!

They all join them both. Craig and Christopher are in the crowd, watching a street performer put on a show.

Zoe: Hey! Why didn't you tell us where you were going?

Craig: Sorry. This was too good to miss. Plus, you were boring us both with your 'Textiles and Fashion' chat.

Zoe scowls.

Zoe: Hey-

Christopher interrupts.

Christopher: Quiet! He's about to do it!

Zoe: (quietly, to herself) Do what?

The street performer is busy speaking to the audience. He walks to a small glass box with a lid.

Street Performer: ...and if you get a bit too squeamish, just close your eyes and it'll be over soon. OK? OK, darling...

Everyone laughs.

Now, do you want me to get in the house?

Everyone cheers.

You do? Thank God. If you said no, where would we be?

Absolutely CANDI: Episode 3 - Moving ImagesWhere stories live. Discover now