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Monika woke up sweating she shivered another nightmare.. she stood up seeing a piles of code she sighed softly A new player..? No I don't see one..Maybe it's just another timeline Monika grabbed her bag before leaving her room as she started to walk to school she saw Sayori was walking alone "Weird.."She shruggered it off she continued to walk she felt a hand at her shoulder "Heya Mon-ika!"Sayori had a goofy smile proud at the pun she had made Monika blushed slightly as she felt her heart sped up a little What's this feeling..? I've..never really felt this.. "Monika you okay?"Sayori went a bit closer noticing Monika's face bright red Sayori put a hand to the president's forehead "You're hot.."Sayori whispered Monika of course took it the wrong way "W-what?!"she asked getting even more red as her heart sped up even more why do I want to..touch Sayori? Like in a hug..I never want to hug anyone..Is something wrong with my code? I'll have to check it later.. "K-kyaa! Not in that way sorry!"Sayori blushed looking away Monika took a deep breath trying to slow her heart down "It's a-alright Sayori it was just a misunderstanding no need to get worked up on it"Monika put a hand on Sayori's shoulder wanting to get the urge to go away by touching the girl yet it didn't work she frowned a little "A-are you sure?"Sayori asked titling her head a little while she was twilting her fingers Adorable.. Monika thought her smile returning then soon after her blush DID I JUST THINK SHE WAS ADORABLE?! The code must've gotten messed up..but I can't lie she always did act so cute..It makes me want to hug her- AHHH STOP IT CODE she mentally screamed before noticing Sayori was waiting for her answer Monika coughed softly before nodding "O-of course it is Sayori now let's get to school okay? We don't want to be late"That made Sayori smile making butterflies flutter in my stomach What's..this feeling?

*time skip!*
Monika didn't pay much attention in class she was the last one in her classroom the other students had left Monika looked around making sure she was alone she then opened the game seeing piles of code she started to translate them soon she got to some code out of place.
Natsuki's affection:3
Yuri's affection:3
Sayori's affection:8

Monika nodded blushing seeing her affection for Sayori was eight she tried to rewrite the code but it turned out she couldn't figure it out What..? How is that even possible I can't figure this out.. she sighed in frustration she tried again and again and of course again she stomped her foot I'll try again later..I have to go to the club room the others must be waiting for me Monika nodded to herself before closing the code and walked to the club room she slide the door open seeing Yuri and Natsuki "Hey Monika"the both greeted "Hey girls where's Sayori?"Monika felt her cheeks warm up to the thought of Sayori her smile..her figure the way she was able to smile her way through problems even though she was dealing with depression..she was strong..wonderful..adorable..she was Sayori..
Monika's blush even more "She's probably getting told off by a teacher for sleeping in class again"Natsuki rolled her eyes Yuri nodded "I'll go make some tea while we wait for her things aren't the same without her"Natsuki nodded "Right"Monika agreed Yuri made tea pouring them into small cups that the teacher had given them after all what wasn't better than a cup of tea for a good book.

Monika didn't drink her cup yet she set it down at a desk still waiting for Sayori "Maybe she got lost?"Yuri asked before the door slammed open showing a bubbly Sayori "I'm not dead!"She shouted making Monika cringe slightly making her remember that she programmed Sayori to..hang herself "We knew that dummy!"Natsuki shounted rolling her eyes "Thank goodness.."Yuri sighed in relief "Wait...what you actually thought she died?"Natsuki asked laughing Yuri blsuhed shaking her head "N-no no I just..thought she w-was lost is all.."Yuri said shying away playing with her hair still not convinced Natsuki was still laughing loudly "Ohhhh I used the wrong linee!"Sayori said walking out the door and closing it then opening it again with full force "I'M NOT LOST!"Sayori yelled running in the classroom accidentally tripping Monika reflexs kicked in as she grabbed Sayori which made Monika trumble a little Sayori was pressed against Monika's chest Monika was a blushing mess "My heroooo~"Sayori teased giggling "Kidding but thanks I didn't want to go to get a apple juice for a bruise from falling sooo thanks!"Sayori hugged Monika tightly Monika was shocked as her heart started to skip beats she hugged back feeling a warmth inside her...

What's this feeling..?

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now