Time To Stop Playing Pretend

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Monika..felt..different somehow she shook her head looking over to a clock showing it was the end of school..club time.
She stood up feeling light headed she touched the back of her head feeling some type of liquid she looked at her fingers noticing blood she looked towards the floor she was laying on before a puddle of blood she..couldn't recall how it got there or how she got there either...what happened?
She asked herself before walking to the clubroom ready to start the club meeting while trying to figure rything out she ended up giving herself a massive headache she sighed looking into the door of the clubroom seeing Yuri and Natsuki talking to each other Yuri..seemed to be smirking which was not really Yuri at all Monima titled her head to the side before looking at Natsuki who was blushing madly with a pout on her face It's probably just Yuri talking about her book

Monika slid the door open hearing the two converstation "I TOLD YOU I'M NOT CUTE!"Natsuki yelled That's so Natsuki.. Monika rolled her eyes before hearing Yuri protest dhe let out a giggle getting the attention of the two who were blushing "Sorry"Monika said giving the two a smile a very fake one "Alright"Monika slapped her hands together putting on the president mode "Are we ready to start the club?"Monika asked "W-well..no.."Yuri said quitely "Why is that Yuri?"Monika asked "W-well..we still need Sayori..unless she's not coming like the last few days.."Yuri added Natsuki nodded "Yeah!"Natuski paused

"Where were you anyway?"Monika tried to recall but failed maybe the code is messed up but who the hell is Sayori?
"Well..I..can't remember maybe I was sick or something.."Monika said Natsuki raised her eyebrow in question before nodding not believing Monika "Okay whatever we just need Sayor-"She was cut off by a slam that scared Yuri to clunch to Natsuki's arm I swear.. Monika turned to the door seeing a girl that had coral pink hair with a small bow on the side of her head her uniform was the same of Monika's Maybe they want to join "Welcome to the club.."Monika smiled the girl titled her "Thanks..? Anyway Monika I need to talk to you!"Sayori went beside the girl whispering in her ear "In private..it's important"Monika nodded "Okay"she went towards the door waving bye at Natsuki and Yuri "I'll be right back"she closed the door and now was outside the hall "What's so important?"Monika asked she felt arms wrap around her "You had noo idea how much I missed you!"the girl laughed Monika felt tears stain her shoulder Monika rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Was that all?"She asked the girl shook her head "Oh no it wasn't"The girl shoulders slumped downwards "Well?"Monika asked "Well..It felt as if today been weird..y'know? I barely remember my classes after I left talking to you"The girl paused "Do you think it has something to do with the code or your nightmares?"Monika jumped at the words she was feeling..weird but how does this girl know the code?! She asked herself "W-who are you?"Monika stuttered "Monika it's no time to play games I'm serious!"She whimpered "Who the hell are you?!"Monika yelled "I-I..I'm Sayori..You can't remember me?! I'M YOUR GIRLFRIEND!"Sayori had tears rolling down her eyes "Girlfriend?"Monika asked before shaking her head "No you're not I would never date a girl...no less you..but you're name does sound..familiar but enough of lies how do you know the code?"Monika asked "After you deleted me in the third route I still managed to remembered everything you know this Monika!"Sayori cried pulling Monika into a tight hug "PLEASE REMEMBER!"Monika eye twitched "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"she snapped throwing Sayori off her "I have no god damn idea who you are just leave me alone.
I have a club to run and if yoy're not going to..act normal..then just leave.
I don't need you to get in my way"Monika opened the door glaring at Sayori "I don't love you nor do I need you at all..whoever you are.."

Monika slammed the door shut seeing Yuri and Natsuki jump at the sound.
"What?"she snapped at them they had quickly said sorry which was a small surpise because of Natsuki "No..no it's fine I should say sorry just having a bad day is all anyway! Let's share poems alright? While we have no more distractions"Monika smiled the two nodded.

Sayori felt the tears running none stop she couldn't believe it she won't let herself believe that..Monika had forgotten Monika..her..love her everything had foregottion her..
You knew..you weren't important enough for her you weren't good enough you didn't leave an impact on her you just wasted you're time.
What a waste? You're a waste why don't you go home and hang yourself?
That's the best for Monika and for you
Wouldn't you love to give everything away..?
The voice creeped in Sayori had nothing she knew that....Like people say...it won't matter anyway I'll get cut off the story again..
I t
W o n ' t
M a t t e r.

"I don't matter"and with that Sayori started to run towards her home what else could she do?
Sayori slammed her door open she wanted all the pain to end once and for all no one would care not even Monika she told herself she went towrds her closet grabbing her noose...is this..really this best? She asked herself It is..just do it Sayori it would've happened sooner or later but this..timeline is so different from the rest maybe I can have a chance to save...Monika.. You? Please..don't make me laugh yeah what could I do..? All I can do is barely rewrite code Monika's..better without..me..I would just be a burden she'd have to carry Just like when MC was around. I don't Monika to hate me.. she already does but too bad you'll have another chance once you figure out a way to escape the void...
The void.. Sayori shivered at the thought but it would be worth it..? Right..? Right~ Now stop stalling.
she nodded setting up the chair underneath her fan and started to tie the noose on it...it didn't matter if she was doing it wrong..she would feel pain before her light flicked off which wouldn't matter..right..?
Right..? Right. NOW DO IT! Sayori put the noose around her neck a weak smile appeared it's all going to be over.. she told herself but why..did that seem..like a terrible idea now she was thinking it over..?

"Maybe I can...make Monika get her memories back? I haven't even tried...and even..if she doesn't..know we loved each other no we still do haha.."Sayori pulled the noose off herself "Yes..Monika could get her memories any minute..she did say she frlt weird then she'll check the code amd dix it then everything will be better again! The voices could go away! Also...maybe someone messed with the code that's it someone did I have to help Monika!"she yelled with happiness.

Do you really think that?
You must be so..stupid...
If you won't kill yourself I'll do it for you.
A sweet voice whispered as Sayori's hand acted on their own "NO NO STOP IT!"Sayori yelled as a noose was wrapped around her neck "I HAVE TO PROTECT MONIKA!"the voice let out a laugh from me? You're such a idiot Sayori no one can stop me! MONIKA TRIED BUT DELETING ME ISN'T SO EASY! The voice laughter roared in Sayori's brain It's time to stop playing pretend....Sayori...

The sound of swaying filled the air as a shadow of a figure of a male grinned at the sight before them.

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