"I would"

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Monika woke up surprisingly she had no nightmares she yawned softly and got up brushing her hair she had to look good for Sayori..No no I shouldn't think about her! Not now at least...no I shouldn't think about her at all! Monika slapped herself to get her mind back on track she opened the code and tried to change the affection it didn't work she sighed in disappointment she was about to close the codes before she saw her affection for Sayori had gone up to 20 dammit..I need to control myself.. she told herseld before walking out of her place and walking to school she noticed Sayori wasn't walking she must've left early.. she was..disappointed she wanted to see her reaction to Monika and overall she would love to see how cite Sayori always acted she was so adorabl- Monika's thought were cut off as someone jumped behind her "Heyyy Monika!"Sayori giggled in the taller girl's ear "S-S-Sayori?!"Monika asked looking behind her when Sayori got off her indeed it was the loveable Sayori "Don't s-scare me like that again okay?"Monika said Sayori nodded "Sorryyy~"Sayori paused "I was just too happy to see you is all!"Monika felt herself blush "T-thanks I'm happy to see you"Monika smiled "Also..sorry for tunning off the other day I was worried...is all"Sayori smiled "It's fine Monika I understand I get that sometimes too!"Sayori jumped into Monika Monika thankfully caught her and was holding her like a princess "My prince~"Sayori winked making Monika's heart flutter even more it felt as if hef heart was going to soar out of her chest at any second.

"Hehehe~ Let's got to park okay? I don't feel like going to school"Sayori paused "We can talk more there okay?"Monika nodded and started to walk to a nearby park she put Sayori down by a bench Sayori happily sat down Monika sat down beside her "So..what do you want to talk about Sayori?"Monika asked nervously her heart still threatening to fly out of her chest Sayoei put her head on Monika's lap causing Monika to become a blushing mess "S-S-S-Sayori I...."she was cut off "Thank you.."Sayori whispered "I..huh?"Monika asked "I said thank you.."Sayori repeated "I know..but why are you thanking me..?"Monika asked putting a hand to Sayori's head "B-because..you..said you would d-date me.."Sayori stuttered Cute.. "N-no one has ever said that..once i tried to ask someone out amd they rejected me..saying who would want to date...a"Sayori felt tears fall she gripped Monika skirt "Annoying girl..."Sayori whimpered in pain Monika rubbed her head "Well..who ever said that is stupid"Monika said catching Sayori off guard "H-huh..?"Monika smiled "I said whoever said that was stupid you aren't annoying far from that Sayori you are so special and wondeful that you try to make everyone in the room smile even though you're dealing with so many things you can still stay strong you're brave and not to mention adorable..Anyone would be luckly to date you"Monika picked Sayori up and put her at her lap she hugged Sayori tightly "When I said I would date you I wasn't kidding.."Monika rubbed Sayori's back softly "I would date you.."Sayori sniffled "You would..?"Monika pulled away from the hug and looked Sayori in her eyes smiling brightly she wiped a tear from Sayori's face

"In a heartbeat"

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