A kiss here a kiss there~

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Monika cupped Sayori's cheek softly rubbing it "T-thank you so much Monika"Sayori smiled brightly leaning in closer huh?! S-she's trying to k-kiss me? Yes! Wait no no...What do I do?

Monika could swear her heart was skipping beats she was afraid Sayori would hear how loud her heart was Sayori went over to Monika cheek and kissed it softly before pulling away "S-sorry if that was weird for you..I just wanted...t-to give you my thanks.."Sayori blushed looking away "cute.."Monika whispered causing Sayori to blush even more "H-Huh?"Sayori asked looking back at Monika blushing even harder "N-nothing..You're..welcome but I should return the thanks"Monika leaned in giving Sayori a kiss

On her cheek.
Sayori blushed "T-thanks.."Sayori smiled "Since w-we aren't going to school do you want to go get something to eat?"Monika asked thinking she was going too fast "A date?"Sayori asked "W-well no!"Monika paused "I m-mean it can be if you want it to..I m-mean! Arghh.."Monika tried to hide herself by looking away Monika felt a pair of lips on her cheek making them warm up "I would love to.."Sayori smiled Monika nodded "Thanks"Sayori nodded "No problem~"she sang before getting off Monika "Let's goooo I'm already starving"Monika nodded "Did you forget to eat breadfeast?"Monika asled causing Sayori to blush "N-No...."she lied "Yeahhh suree"Monika laughed grabbing Sayori's hand blushing pretending she wasn't dying on the inside while doing so "There's a new cafe that opened recently.."Monika looked around trying to remember where it was located at "We c-can go there if you want I heard they have wonderful pastries"Monika smiled blushing then she frowned "U-unless you want to g-go somewhere e-else.."Monika stuttered "No no it's fine I want to go there and try their cookies!"Sayori said happily Monika nodded still blushing "L-let's go then"

*time skip*
Monika and Sayori both entered the cafe smiling at each other before being greeted by a waiter "Hello ladies  I'll bring you to your tables"They nodded following him they sat each other he brought a menu giving it to Sayori she was forced to stop holding hands causing Monika to feel a little empty "I want some cookies anddd a glass of milk"Sayori grinned sounding like a child causing me to giggle at her she just gave a me a smile "Yes of course what about you miss?"Monika soon ordered a cup of coffee along with a slice of cake knowing that Sayori would probably want some she ordered it to be strawberry which was Sayori's favourite soon the waiter came back with their orders "Have a great meal"he said before walking away "Thankss!"Sayori yelled causing Monika to blush of embarrassment mouthing a sorry to the manager and the people staring at the girls "S-sayori keep your voice down a little okay?"Monika said Sayori nodded "Oki doki Monika~"Sayori then ate her cookies quite fast "B-be careful or you'll choke"Monika warned slightly worried "Itm fuim!"Sayori said talking with her mouth full before gulping down the cookies with her glass of milk Monika saw sparks at Sayori's eyes "That was sooo good~"Sayori moaned Monika blushed "Wonderful to hear!"she smiled before noticing Sayori had some pieces of the cookie on her cheek Monika stared at her before pulling herself closer to Sayori she put a hand on Sayori's chin staring at her for a second.

"M-m-monika..?"Sayori said feeling fluttered Monika just smiled "You're so cute..Sayori"she said before bringing her face closer to Sayori cheek kissing it before giving it a soft lick WHAT AM I DOING?! she asked yelling at herself while she took the pieces of cookie inside her mouth she went over to Sayori's ear quietly whispering "You..had some crumbs on your cheek" it made Sayori shiver because her ears we're very sensitive.

"I..."Monika paused before getting out of Sayori's personal space "Sorry I got a littke ahead of myself"Sayori just smiled "It's f-fine but...for doing that gimme some cake~"Sayori smirked Monila nodded grabbing her spoon making it filled with cake and put in by Sayori's lips "ahhh"Monika said Sayori soon opened her lips saying "Ahhh~"Monika put the cake in her mouth Sayori happily ate the cake running her tongue all over the spoon Monika then pulled the soon out it was noticeable Sayori had licked it Monika licked the spoon winking at Sayori causing the young girl to blush indirected kiss! She screamed at her mind making her blush as red as her bow making Monika smirked Monika then started to eat her cake staring at Sayoru who just stared back with a little confusion...Monika still haveing her proud smirk grabbed Sayori's hand with her own intertwining them together feeling a sparks flying between them Sayori was blushing madly looking back and foward between Monika and the table trying not to make it too obvious she was blushing madly.

that's what you get for being so damn adorable...

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