My Hero.

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The pressure on Sayori's neck stopped as she coughed feeling the wonderful feeling of being able to breathe again.
She looked over to the side trying to see what or who saved her.


"MONIKA!"Sayori yelled running up to them to hug her love.
Multiple bullets shot towards the shadow as it groaned in pain.
Then Monika looked over at Sayori.
She froze.
It wasn't..her Monika.
The other girl sighed softly "I'm not..your Monika" she paused "I'm the one you comforted when you were met with so many houses with alternate universes"

Oh..this is the one from the universe where everything she loved was killed..Monika but when she was a first year..
Sayori thought sighing. The Monika beside her smiled patting her shoulder "It's okay Sayori here"She passed her a notebook it was plain to say the least "Uhh..?"Sayori raised her eyebrow "I drew a map the way here so it's exactly where your Monika is at"she smiled.

Then it hit Sayori she grinned "Thanks!"A groan filled the room as the second light threw itself towards Sayori. The alternative universe Monika pushed Sayori aside as the shadow engulfed her.

"MONIKA!" Sayori yelled as she stood up rubbing her arm as pain ran through her blood. "DON'T WORRY ABOUT ME I'LL BE FINE JUST GET OUT HERE!"Monika yelled back "I CAN'T!"Sayori yelled she didn't want to lose the person who saved her.
Her hero.

Sayori opened her mouth about to say something to protest..she soon closed it.
It wasn't her place that Monika risked everything just to save her and she was about to throw it away?
Monika understands what she's doing..
A bitter smile crossed Sayori's lips she looked away and started to run with "Thanks.."

And that was that.

She heard pained yells echo from the room as she looked down at the first page of the notebook which had the map.

She turned the corners of multiple hallways each one felt as if it got smaller and smaller.
The yells of the alter universe Monika filled the air as if it was mocking her for being scared or even sad that she was getting hurt..
She's hurting because of me.

Sayori gripped her free hand into a fist as tears of frustration.
I want to save her.. she gripped the notebook.

"DAMMIT!" She yelled running even faster now she just wanted to be with Monika.
For everything to be okay again.
The screams became louder and louder.
Sayori looked down at the map then back up she wanted to see Monika.

The tension grew heavier and heavier with every second.
Every turn.
As she got closer and closer to Monika.
Her Monika.

She picked up her pace.

The screams seemed to chase her as she kept running to Monika.
The guilt ran after her.



Then it stopped.

The screams stopped and so did Sayori she looked back panting ever so softly not to cause much attention to herself.
She sighed softly looking down at the map once more.
One more corner then Monika's cell would be there.
Sayori took her time as anxiety took over her she..was scared to see Monika again.

Will she
She asked she was hopeful that maybe she would she turned the corner and saw the cell room number.. "666..?" Sayori giggled softly they totally wanted it to seem she was a demon or something..

She sighed before trying to open the door it was locked "Dammit.."she said quietly she looked at the map trying to figure out if there was a section for where keys were stored.
There wasn't she flipped the page seeing a paragraph.

"Sayori if you're reading this then congrats! You made it to your Monika's room wonderful for you. probably need a key lucky for you there's one at the end of the book along with a message..
If I'm beside you then don't read it.
It..was just in case I died or something.
If I am dead.
Then read it.
Thank you.

Love, Monika~"

Sayori smiled softly at the note she..was happy that Monika had gave her a key she flipped over to the last page that showed a message along with a key taped on "How did she get tape..?" Sayori asked quietly before chuckling she rolled her eyes before looking at the message.

She gulped it said to read only if the alter universe Monika died..she wasn't sure if she did...
Hopefully she didn't but Sayori started to read.

"Hey..Sayori sorry I wasn't strong enough to live and I died.
I..wanted to live with you and Monika...Maybe like her sister or something?
Stupid..sorry but I just wanted to be a part of your world more after you talked to me and made me feel better I hope I didn't die in a stupid way and died protecting you! Like a mother read me stories of heroes and i always wanted to be a fucking hero.

Funny, right?
Anyways I love you. You were the person who cared about me and I appreciate that a lot that you talked to me instead of doing nothing I love you.
Thank you so much. Tell Monika I died...I talked to her a little and things she'll tell you. Oh! If she's reading this with you then "Hi other me! I hope I made a good first impression for you..and..thanks for saying I'm your friend.
I'm super sorry for not being alive to be alive with your gf I hope you two have a wondeful life together.


Make a lot of babies for me okay?

Love, Monika"

Sayori blushed at the last part giggling a bit before taking the key she took.
She unlocked the door and gulped down her fear.
She smiled brightly I'm going to see Monika! my everything is behind this door..

Her smile grew as she turned the handle and stepped in "MONIKA! I'M HERE!"she yelled before looking for her girlfriend.

The girl looked up at her with a genuine smile muttering one word that made Sayori's heart go doki doki..


I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now