I Have To Keep On Moving.

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I have to move ahead not just for me but for her.

I have to but it all seems so hard.
I..can't let someone die for me again...
Or me killing someone..either way..would..leave me broken.

The lonely girl sighed deeply looking towards the two tunnels "Sayori.."she muttered softly the converstation...made her have such dija-vu.. right...that..as if she told me that before..well..I... I just need to make my decision already.

I gripped my hands into a fist closing my eyes before opening them again seeing only darkness no tunnels nothing.

"Isn't this so sad? Dammit once I get someone they just go off and die he was so weak pfffttt" A voice echoed the girl looked around tears starting to run down her eyes "Oh well she'll have to do she has already met a light too bad she let it go" The lonely girl recognized the voice all to well "....MC..?"she asked outloud a laugh echoed "Close but no he was a temporary voice until I find a better one sweetheart after all he won't be using it anymore not after what she did to him who knew she was more dangerous than I thought..?" "Who?!" "Just a litgle light.
Anyway I need you to work for me okay?"
A long sigh echoed as a scream.
The lonely girl was so ever gone.


Monika woke up breathing heavily she tried to get up she felt something restraining her she looked down seeing chains what..the hell...happened..? She asked herself a loud knock was heard pressuring her to look at the direction she saw...herself..?

"Who are you?!"Monika asked the other it just smiled "I'm a lonely girl looking for a light named Sayori have you seen her?"Monika gritted her teeth "Like hell I would tell you that.."A sigh of frustration was heard "I knew it..it was pointless seeing you"The girl started to walk away "WHAT DO YOU EVEN WANT WITH HER?!"Monika asked "I just want to help her find her loved one is all"Monika eyes widen "Love one..?"She asked "Yes you Monika you I want to help her find you if I could I would get you out of this cell but..I don't have a key as you can see and Sayori..well she might have what is needed to open the chains"Monika rasied her eyebrow "What...you're saying nonsense..how could Sayori help..?"she asked "Love"a pause "Love can get people through hard times even save someone's life....and Sayori has that love Monika for you she has it.."There was a slight pain in the voice

"..I..I guess..but I think she's still in the void..that place is tricky..it'll take her ages even-" Monika got cut off with a sigh then she saw the girl smile "No she got out she talked to me for a while making me want to go on for her.
I won't disappoint her, Monika.
I won't so in return I'll help her instead help her find you
The...one..she truly loves.."The lonely girl flashed a weak smile "I'll help her I promise for both of her I'll get you and her of this.
Even if it means I have to kill myself in the process"The lonely girl grinned stepping on into the darkness "I'll be back Monika.."she waved bye Monika smiled slightly "I appreciate all of this erm..?"Monika asked trying to get a name "Names aren't important just call me erm..i have no idea actually.." Monika smiled "Okay, I have no idea actually good luck just don't kill yourself I'd like to see you alive with me and my love" The girl laughed "Same to you Monika don't...let..HIM kill you I'll be back!" "Bye!"Monika smiled "Finally after everything all the pain I can get a friend thank you.."The lonely girl smiled "No prob Mon see ya"the girl ran into the darkness a bright smile as a light for her.

To find Sayori was her mission.
No matter what.
"Don't let him kill you, Monika"The lonely girl grinned to herself.

"Don't let him.." "Don't let him" "DON'T LET HIM!"she yelled towards the darkness she sniffled wiping her newly formed tears. "I don't want my light sad after all..."The lonley girl walked and walked.

Walking towards the light.

Sayori's light.

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now