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"Y-You..really love me huh..?"Sayori asked smiling brightly she couldn't believe what had happened
"I don't know I think so.."Monika shruggered "YOU JUST MESSED UP THE HEARTFELT MOMENTTTTT EEEE!"Sayori screamed "And why did you say you loved me if you didn't even know..?"Sayori asked tears in her eyes Monika grabbed Sayori's hand kissing her..cheek softly "I was just teasing you of course I love you.."Monika smiled "but if we want this relationship to work we need to bulid it up first!"Monika smirked "I know ways to go on dates..kiss..have se- I MEAN FUN"Monika coughed into her hand "I got it all from a website called WikiHow it's really provides ways for me to learn new things.."Monika laughed rubbing her neck Wikihow??? MONIKA THAT'S LIKE 50% A TROLL SITE PFFTTTT Sayori giggled "what's so funny?"Monika asked looking around she looks soooo cute like thisss~ "ehehe nothing~"Sayori smiled a little to wide "Okayyyyy.."Monika laughed awkwardly "Anyway we'll go on a date watchingg no no the park yes! how's that?"Monika asked a bright smile Sayori just blushed outting her hands on her face "T-too..cute.."she blushed heavily "H-hey..I..thanks..but just answer the question"Monika replied trying not to get flustered "It...s-sounds..lit...fam..?"Sayori said it sounded more like a question...

"No no I can't do this" what's wrong Monika? "WELL THIS FUCKING LANGUAGE LIT FAM? WHAT THE HELL?!" "She might as well say "Hey hows it hanging' or 'i have criplling depression' I just can'ttt!" Monika just continue please. "Fine."
*scene cut??*

"Never say that again."Monika glared at Sayori "Okay okay sorry..Natsuki taught me that.."Sayori rubbed her neck slightly "Natsuki is getting kicked out of the literature club I swear.."Monika rolled her eyes "Welll I need to go get ready meet me at my house at 30 minutes okay?"Monika asked Sayori nodded before Monika was about to leave Sayori ran up to her "Wait wait!"Sayori called out to Monika "Yes?"Monika asked turning to face Sayori Sayori kissed Monika passionately Monika jumped in surpise but returned the kiss while she found it cute Sayori had to stand on her tippy toes to reach Monika's lips Monika blushed madly kissing back feeling sparks flying she pulled away smiling "see you in a little beautiful~"Sayori nodded before walking out of the room with Monika Monika headed home as for Sayori she went and took a quick shower before she changed into more casual clothes she fiddled with her hair while looking at the mirror she sighed softly "Disgusting.."she said to herself before shaking her head Come on me let's not think about this and just about monika! Sayori slapped her cheeks trying to keep her rainclouds away she then walked out of the house locking the door she had about 10 minutes left until she had to meet Monika she sighed softly feeling a breeze blow by she walked to Monika's house knocking on the door lightly

"COMING!!"Sayori heard Monika say from the other side of the door "Hey Sayori!"Monika greeted opening her door "Come in I need a bit more time to get ready then we can go alright?"Monika voice sounded so sweet to Sayori it was like a song she would never get tired of Sayori nodded before noticing Monika hair was down she stared just realizing she had never seen Monika without her bow Monika noticed with a blush she started to talk "Haha..yeah I put my hair down I was trying to put my bow on until you knocked.."Monika rubbed her neck still blushing from embarrassment "I probably look..weird withouty bow hm?"Monika asked "Huh..?"Sayori paused before waving her hands at Monika "No no no! You look beautiful!"Sayori yelled "I mean..You always look beautiful you just kinda I MEAN YOU ALWAYS LOOK BEAUTIFUL AND I JUST YOU STILL LOOK BEAUTIFUL WITHOUT THE BOW!"Sayori didn't notice while speaking she was yelling she blushed from embarrassment noticing she rasied her voice "Sorry! Sorry!"she apologized bowing Monika rolled her eyes making pulling Sayori up to face her she pulled her into kiss the kiss finshed as soon as it started Sayori was in shock she still wasn't used to Monika kisses yet.. "I-I..I.."Sayori blushed heavily looking away "You're too cute Sayori I swear.."Monika laughed Sayori head titled towards Monika the taller girl's laughs sounded like the most beautiful thing she'd ever heard Sayori had a bright smile "Come on let's go Sayori and I'll keep my hair down since you like it that way right?"Monika asked Sayori nodded grabbing Monika's hand her smile still on her face "Of course!"Sayori answered "Let's goooo I wanna see the sunset with you!"Sayori yelled running out the door shutting the door behind them she headed towards the park with Monika "With me?"Monika asked in a whisper Sayori nodded "Yeah!"Sayori paused "With you...and I wanna see a bunch of more sunsets with you!"Sayori tighted her hand feeling her heart pounding

"I want to do everything with you..."

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now