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Monika glared at the shadow she took a shaky step foward.
"What..the hell are you doing here..?"Monika asked she thought..that the other Monika killed him but why was she helping him?
"Now is that anyway to say hello to your lover Monika..?"He asked smirking Monika gripped her hands into fists "LIKE HELL YOU'RE NY LOVER THE ONLY PERSON I LOVE IS SAYORI!"Monika yelled back she wanted to rip apart that shadow.
He grinned in response and put his hsnds up "Oh wow so scary~"he teased Monika didn't want to hear his bullshit.
"Take me goddamn seriously.."The shadow straighten up glaring at Monika "I will."He said before he leaped towards her.
Monika dogdged it but not after being shot.
By the other Monika she looked down at her stomach and noticed it was a dart.
She felt her stomach twist as the world around her became a blur she saw her other self looking at her.
The other seemed troubled.."w..hy..?"Monika slurred as she fell to the floor the other Monika sighed "Sayori"and with that Monika passed out into a deep sleep.



Monika woke up and tired to stand she felt chains pull at her arms she felt tears flow into her eyes.
No no..not again
She scanned the room searching for anyone.
Monika eyes landed on the shadow she hated.
"LET ME OUT OF HERE!"she yelled at it.
He sighed "I won't..but I want you to watch something okay?"He said in a gentle tone she shivered his voice seemed a bit deep but normal not that imitating anymore..
Why was that?

The lights soon brighten Monika forced herself to focus on them.
She squinted her eyes as she adjusted to the light in front of her was a window...behind the glass was Sayori tied up in a chair a blindfold covering her eyes.

Monika's heart sank into her stomach she felt as if she was going to sick.
Were..they going to toture her love in front of her?
Monika feared the worst she fell into the world of her thoughts drowing in them making conclusions and hating herself for not seeing this outcome coming.

A voice spoke up "Keep looking"he said snapping Monika from her thoughts and Monika did just that.
A girl walked from the shadows inside the window it was..the other Monika.
The one she was told 'died' Monika felt anger swell inside her hell like she died.. Monika glared at the girl as she walked to Sayori.

The other Monika patted Sayori's face before rubbing her cheek with a hand.
Sayori soon woke up in a daze before she tried to jump up to her feet.
She couldn't so instead she yelled out questions at her kidnapper.
The girl still rubbed Sayori's cheek before speaking "It's..okay Sayori I'm here no need to worry" Sayori struggling ceased she had a smile over her lips.
"My..Monika..?"she asked titling her head.
The other Monika nodded smiling as a smile of her own went to her lips.
"Yes..It's okay we left that hell~"she sang sweetly before she went sat on Sayori's lap before wrapping her arms around the girl's neck.
"Why..am I blindfolded..?"Sayori asked fear sliding into her voice.
"You..became blind the shadow ripped your eyes so I put a blindfold because you asked me to.."Monika lied her smile turning into a sick smile.
"He..did..?"Sayori asked Monika nodded "yeah..sorry I couldn't protect you well enough"Sayori heart seemd to soften "It's okay Monika I just..love you so much.."Sayori said lifing her head waiting for a sweet kiss "Thank you Sayori.."Monika paused "I love you too babe~"she sang before pressing her lips against Sayori's as she slipped her tongue into Sayori's mouth.

Monika couldn't believe it.
Herself the other universe her was pretending to be she was being manipulated.
"What the hell.."Monika spoke before she again tired to stand she didn't wnat Sayori to be..tricked into a stupid lie.
"GET ME IN THERE I SWEAR TO GOD MONIKA I'M GOING TO BEAT YOU SO HARD THAT YOUR TEETH GET SMASHED IN PRETENDING TO BE ME HUH?!"Monika screamed as the chains pulled on her as pain screeched in her wrists.

The other Monika smirked at Monika as she pulled from Sayori's makeout she then went to a different position that made her knee get pushed against Sayori's special place..
"Monika! Wait..can I get out of this chair..?"Sayori asked as she felt a blush raise to her cheeks as Monika's knee brushed against her.
The alternative universe Monika looked at the side of the window looking at the shadow who frowned before shaking his head no.

"Sorry..Sayori sweetie but I'm really into this~"Monika whispered into Sayori's ear it made the girl shiver.
"Be a good girl okay~?"Monika then licked the girl's ear.
Sayori panted as she felt Monika's tongue send shivers up her spine.
"Ah..Monika~"she moaned as the knee soon started to get pressured harder before slowly going up and down slightly.

Monika was devastated and pissed off.
"Get off of her."she spat "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM HER BITCH! STOP IT STOP STEALING HER INNOCENCE! STOP IT STOP IT!"Monika felt her heart rip as she saw Sayori begin to enjoy the pleasure.

"S-stop..it.."she wailed as she looked down she didn't want to hear it nor look.
All she wanted was Sayori beside her telling her that it'd be okay..
What a stupid fantasy.
"Monika look at me"The man spoke from the shadows of the room.
"W-why did..?"she sobbed out "because.."he spoke before turning his head away "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! I DID NOTHING TO YOU I DON'T KNOW YOU!"she screamed before it turned into sobs again "I..j-just want a happy ending with m-my Sayori.."she spoke as tears poured even harder.
"..Monika when you see that other you and Sayori kissing and being intimate what do you feel?"The shadow asked titling his head Monika was shocked he wanted to know how she felt..?
"I feel as if I've..my heart has been burned, ripped apart, and twisted in so many directions.
I feel as if there's no hope for anything honestly I want to die.
I don't want to see what's she's doing to my Sayori.
I love her so much..it hurts...so much.
I just...want my Sayori..back.."Monika ranted she let it all out she sighed.
"I know how you feel."
The shadow calmly said Monika titled hed head "What..do you mean..?"she asked.

He sighed deeply before stepping from the shadows of the room.
He didn't have shadows around him.

He...looked like a ordinary guy he had a grey shirt, with jeans, and his shoes seemed a bit cheap but Monika didn't pay attention to that.
Monika was confused.
The man walked up to her he was tearing up.
Monika felt a wave of unease fill her as Déjà vu seemed to be the closest thing in her mind.
He pulled Monika into a warm hug before letting go Monika was still confused.
He smiled at her softly before speaking..
"I know how you feel Monika i felt that way with Sayori and you..I was heartbroken I love you Monika so much I did all this for you! I love you so much..it hurts"he said he gripped his hands into a fist.
Monika titled her head slightly "But..I don't know you..?"she said it seemed more of question.
The guy just chuckled slightly before waving his hand "It's good to see you again Monika.."The paused before closing his eyes he put his arms behind his back as he introduced himself...

"It's me, Monika..
The player!"

I'm Sorry (MONIKA X SAYORI)Where stories live. Discover now