Everything is a lie.

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Monika felt the floor shake tears still running down her eyes her heart beating fastly a slip of hope wanting what she was seeing to be a dream it couldn't be real!

...The one..person..she used to love was in front of her laughing at her the unbearable pain settled in as if the world around her shifted she was in a classroom she snapped her head where she heard movement she saw Sayori who was looking out a window she smiled in relief Maybe I was asleep in the last class..? She asked herself hopefully wishing it wasn't her imagination or anything of the sort she walked closer to her love not noticing the world around seemed to darken "Hey Sayor-"she was cut off by an awful static ringing in her ears sending her into a state of panic her eyes looked everywhere trying to see the source of the sound she eventually turned to Sayori when she was about to speak Sayori seemed to be turning around to face her Monika felt her head hit a wave of sudden pain as she saw Sayori face it was covered in crimson blood dripping from her ears and eyes which seemed..lifeless a noose was around her neck a smile appeared on her face she titled her head to the side "Monika~!" The voice paused "Why did you make me die? I thought I meant something to you! HOW COULD YOU JUST END MY LIFE LIKE THAT?! I WANTED TO BE HAPPY WITH YOU AND EVERY PLAYTHROUGH YOU KILLED ME OFF LIKE SOME SORT OF...OBJECT! "The blood ran down her eyes as some sort of tears staining her cheeks with red.

"I LOVED YOU AND YOU DID THIS TO ME?! I...thought you changed.."The voice ripped through Monika's ears reaching her brain causing the static to increase in volume making her feel a extreme dizziness "I guess..not"Monika's heart ripped into two pieces it sounded so much..like...Sayori..

"Haha...but I was stupid to believe that...now look what happened? You...did it again!"She laughed "You..made me hang myself~"the sweetness in the voice made Monika sick..her stomach turned as Sayori seemed to get closer "I really do love you.."The voice and Sayori's tone mingled together pain engulfing inside Monika tears rolling down her cheeks as Sayori was inches away "...and it was one of the biggest regrets I ever had."Monika felt a pain rip through her as she started to cough all she could focus on was Sayori...and her terrible smile.

Sayori looked around she had woken up she rubbed her head softly breathing out a yawn she felt a arm around her gripping her tightly and the sound of whimpering she looked over worried at Monika who was shivering with tears rolling down her cheeks.
Sayori's tiredness washed away as concerned setted in her head filled with questions she started to shake Monika wake the girl soon woke up fear in her eyes she looked up at Sayori before throwing herself against Monika crying loudly "S-S-Sayori.."she whimpered in pain Sayori rubbed Monika's back "You had a nightmare right?"Monika nodded Was it.. a nightmare..?Monika asked herself It felt so..real...and why was..he...there?! Monika had so many questions "You can stay home if you want I can go to school or if you want me to stay with you I can whatever you want is okay!"Sayori said cheerfully making Monika feel a bit safe she shook her head "No no..I can't keep on skipping school especially if we're going to live in this..world..I'll need a job..and whatever else school provides"Monika laughed softly before getting up wipping her tears away "Are you sure you're fine though enough to go to school..?"Sayori asked making sure Monika nodded "Yeah."She went towards her clothes and quickly put them on she looked over at Sayori was was fixing her hair at least trying to before she gave up staring at herself in the mirror she sighed softly glaring at her image Monika noticed she was a bit disappointed Please..don't tell me...she's thinking she's ugly Monika saw Sayori turning her head to the side examing herself even closer Monika put on her bow on before walking towards Sayori she wrapped her arm around her "You look beautiful"Monika said softly smiling at Sayori's reflection she was proud tp have such a beautiful of course Monika wouldn't care if she didn't look her best she was..just so great her personality alone made Monika love her.

"You..really think so..?"Sayori asked not believing a word "Yes and don't think it's not true because it is alright?"Monika asked Sayori nodded "Let's go to school I'm kinda getting tired of.."Sayori paused "looking at myself.."Sayori laughed Monika nodded "Too bad..well I like the original better anyway"Monika winked Sayori blushed "Y-yeah right.."Sayori rolled her eyes Monika copied Sayori but making it seem a bit too extreme "yeah right!"Monika smiled "Let's just go"Sayori grabbed Monika out of the house grabbing their bags they started to walk hand in hand "I wonder how the club was doing without us"Sayori asked "Oh...right.."Monika had completely forgot about the club "W-well I'm sure they're fine Natsuki probably bossed Yuri around"Monika admitted "Poor Yuri"Sayori laughed "Yeah Natsuki's a monster"Monika exaggerated "Totally~"Sayori sang back they walked into the school grounds seeing people whispering Monika glared at a group that was very familiar from yesterday they flinched back clearly scared "Don't mind them Sayori okay? I'm here for you"Sayori nodded smiling "T-thanks.."she whispered "No problem"Monika gripped Sayori's hand tighter blushing madly she wasn't so used to so much affection well showing it or receiving it.
They walked into the school still hearing soft whispers but Monika didn't care Monika felt Sayori's hand pull away she grippes it even tighter "Ow Monika"Sayori groaned Monika quickly let go"Sorry!"Monika apologized Sayori rubbed her hand smiling "It's fine"Monika couldn't help but feel..giddy it wasn't because of Sayori..but...what was it then?

Monika shook her head it didn't matter "Thanks anyway I guess you need to go"Sayori nodded "Yeah"Monika was about to enter her class "See you at the club then?"Sayori nodded softly "S-sure but can we..walk to the club together?"Sayori asked Monika nodded "Sure see you after classes"Monika gave Sayori a quick peck before entering her classroom waving bye at the girl Sayori waved back running down the halls noticing she was about to be late.

She's so cute.. Monika laughed yo herself she heard whispering "I swear..they get louder by every place I walk into"Monika rolled her eyes before walking to her desk she heard whisperingas the teacher came in starting the lesson the whispers...seemed so...unnatural Monika couldn't describe it but it just felt..so wrong... she looked around seeing people's eyes guled on her grins on their lips just like...Sayori in that dream..no..nightmare.

Monika felt her heart starting to race as husky voices started to whisper in her ears she could..barely make out any of it except one word..


Why Sayori..? She asked herself the thought brought pounds on her head feeling as if everything felt so much heavier as if her lunges started to close in becomibg smaller by the second breathes turned into pants for air.
Questions feeling her mind as she felt the feeling of confusion and pain fill her body she stood up throwing the desk and chair away from her as tears filled her eyes she ran out of the class not caring if she made a scene she was running away.

From something..or someone...
Maybe..she was running away from..all the pain so it could all stop all her mistakes she tripped falling towards the ground.
Blood splattered on the floor making a small puddle everything hurt..

She thought to herself...
Everything becomes so fuzzy and blurred as if her memories were being...erased somehow...

Who's Sayori?

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